• R Kodama

    Theming Lap Bar Launch

    It's true that the first half of the ride is a little less impressive, but the second half is so amazing that it doesn't matter. The view of Jurassic World from the top hat is amazing, and in the final Mosasaurus roll you pass just above the water surface while supporting your whole body only with your knees. (This is my favorite element.) Despite the pros and cons, there's no doubt that this is a coaster that everyone should ride at least once in their lifetime.

  • R Kodama

    Airtimes First Drop Smoothness

    Hakugei is the best coaster in Japan. Of course, the power of the first drop is also noteworthy, but the most distinctive feature of this coaster is its smoothness. It incorporates inversion elements like a harsh coaster, but there is nothing that puts strain on the body. This is a coaster that you should ride while relaxing your whole body, free from gravity.

  • R Kodama

    Inversions Masterpiece Intensity Too short

    This is probably one of the coasters I've ridden the most in my life. However, no matter how many times you ride it, your tension during the lift hill is definitely higher than other coasters. Once you've finished it and are approaching the first drop, all you have to do is scream. Enjoy the short but ultimate chaotic experience. (However, I feel that once you understand the course, it becomes much less interesting.)

  • R Kodama

    Airtimes First Drop Inversions

    It was the best roller coaster I rode during my stay in Florida. I rode it twice, and both times I was in row 11. The feeling of being pulled into the abyss on the first drop was the best of my life. Airtimes that surged like a wave of attacks was also excellent, and although the overall length was a little short, it was a very satisfying coaster. I don't know how many years it will be, but if I have the chance, I'd definitely like to ride it again!