Lap Bar Inversions Too short
New restraints are incredibly comfortable, ride is well paced and decently smooth, however I wish it was longer! It's way too short in my opinion. Looks intimidating offride due to its height, but fails to really wow me. Overall enjoyable though!
Fun Layout Discomfort
Really fun layout but kind of uncomfortable. Above average mine train.
Fun Discomfort Dead spots
Fun and decently long if you get two laps, plus I really enjoyed the section above the lake. Does what it says on the tin, but you can really feel its age.
Launch Pointless Layout
Meh. Thrilling enough to be scary but not thrilling enough to be fun. Punchy hydraulic launch is the highlight, however I'd love to see an Intamin multi launch in it's place. Reliability sucks and not worth a 30 minute queue which could quickly become an hour.
Nice surprise! Location Smoothness Discomfort
Actually really good fun, not an intense or long layout by any means but gains some speed at the bottom of the helix! Has a tiny airtime hill with some okay negative Gs for its size. I got 4 laps when I went on which made it good value in my opinion, and located in a very ambitious quirky spot; pleasantly surprised!
Meh kiddie coaster, serves a purpose.
Headbanging Tear it down! Pointless
The single most uncomfortable ride I've ever been on. I genuinely hate it. Layout is boring, OSTRs are unnecessary and uncomfortable- nearly put me off coasters when I was first getting into rides.
Capacity Location Rattle Discomfort
Really not a fan, I like the location (I do question the clearance on some on the branches though) but it's genuinely one of the least comfortable coaster trains I've ever been in. It really cuts into your spine.
First Drop Ejectors Discomfort
Really unique layout in my opinion and a really intimidating but fun and fast, well paced coaster. Can be quite rough on the right hand side of the train but surprisingly smooth on the left hand side and middle. Ejector airtime on the hill after the first drop is insane and you really gain a lot of speed and positive Gs on the helix at the end. I do wish it was longer though, lift hill is very slow (common for early eurofighters apparently) and the vertical loop is profiled really weirdly.
Airtimes Masterpiece Layout Discomfort
My FAVOURITE woodie and in my top 3 coasters. Though it can be a bit rattley, what it lacks in comfort is made up for by the layout, height and location. The 2023 Gravity Group retrack and reprofile added a couple of double downs which give really great ejector airtime, and the first drop on back row is incredible, you get pulled over the really steep crux of the drop and even that gives plenty of airtime. This was a really ambitious build for the park, however John Wardley's passion just oozes through it, it's an absolute hidden gem.
First Drop Nice surprise! Smoothness Too short
A delight to ride: butter smooth, gorgeous theming (though the outside of the station building is looking worse for wear), first drop (though trimmed to all hell) is really fun and the indoor drop is the highlight.
Comfort Fun Reliability
Genuinely just really good smooth fun! One of the most comfortable coasters I've been on, just wish it was longer
Theming Rattle
Gorgeous coaster and theming, theme is quite unique as well. Preshow and station building are both beautiful, however I probably don't like the coaster as much as some. I found it quite rough in parts but still very fun.
Airtimes Inversions Fun Rattle
Absolutely love this coaster to bits, this is the coaster that made me fall in love with the hobby! The theme is so sinister and unique, and the actual coaster is a joy from start to finish. The indoor hidden inversion is perfect and I think the vertical lift hill in the middle paces it really nicely. Highlights for me are the dive loops and two airtime hills. The main hook in the soundtrack can be annoying, but what isn't that annoying "ha ha ha" is so clunky and industrial, which really works with the theme. Station building is ugly on the inside but still charming, and love the window into the ops cabin as well as the dispatch sequence. Can be quite rough on the final two inversions but that's never been too bad when I've ridden. This was such an ambitious project for Gerstlauer but I think they nailed it!
Theming Inversions Intensity Rattle Headbanging
Unrelenting and intense, with the most gorgeous theming. I don't like it as much as I feel like I should, maybe because of the slight rattle, and I managed to really hurt my ear riding from a bit of headbanging. Absolutely beautiful coaster though and can't wait for a reride!
Pace Smoothness Theming
Fun and smooth, first drop is really good on the back row. Solid family coaster but not a standout, theming is bizarre though in the middle of Frontier Falls- hope they retheme it this coming season.
Fun Smoothness Layout Reliability
Really solid coaster- great theming (although not a fan of the park's AI art), really unique layout, fast pacing and butter smooth. Insanely comfortable to ride, enjoyable for enthusiasts as well as GP/families. Enjoyed both cycles (forwards first/backwards first) thoroughly. Just wish it could operate more in the rain! All in all, Intamin COOKED with this.