Coaster reviews
First Drop Lap Bar Fun Too short
Great first drop with a few fantastic elements. It feels a little short but is still an outstanding ride. Both back and front rows give great rides but I would recommend the front.
Airtimes Comfort Fun
Flat out airtime machine. Slight rattle in the back but it does not take away from the ride at all.
Inversions Intensity Layout Rattle Harness
Good first drop with intense inversions but the thing about this ride is the fact it is flat out rough. It also has the vest for some reason.
Lap Bar Pace Ejectors
Outstanding airtime hills and pacing. One of the best if not the best GCI out there.
Location Fun Duration
I sat in both the front and the back and prefer the back. The front is more smooth and boring. The back is more jerky, intense, and fun.
Pace Harness Intensity Too short
Nothing special. Just a nice and enjoyable coaster.
Lap Bar Location Masterpiece
Brilliant roller coaster. This ride gets much faster as the day goes on. By night time, it feels like it is going 100 mph.
First Drop Inversions Harness
Not terrible. I prefer Griffon over this particular dive coaster.
Masterpiece Intensity Ejectors
Cuz it's my favorite ride I've ever been on.
Lap Bar Launch Intensity Too short Reliability
The intensity of the launch is off the charts. Unfortunately, the reliability of this ride is terrible. It closes at least 3 times every day. Awesome ride though.
Inversions Launch Smoothness
Excellent roller coaster. Insanely smooth everywhere you sit. Brilliant inversions and solid theming throughout the ride.
Airtimes Masterpiece Duration Rattle
There is a slight rattle everywhere you sit. The first drop is great. Very intense coaster with excellent airtime hills.
Fun Duration Rattle Discomfort
If you sit in the front row, you will have a much more enjoyable ride than any other row on the train.
Pace Intensity Rattle Too short Discomfort
Way smoother in the front row than anywhere else on the train.