• London M.

    Inversions Intensity Layout

    2023-06-13 I love this thing. I was able to get two rides and somehow got assigned the front both times. My first ride was on the outside seat...There was no way of telling what the hell was going on. I can say the same for my first ride on X2, but Eejanaika takes it to another level. The first drop was the tamest part of the ride. It was that intense. Riding in the back row would have taken it even further. My second ride ended up being surprisingly smooth and much less extreme in the inner seat. I'm glad I had the chance to ride this coaster one time when it was stupidly intense, and another when it didn't try to kill you. Eejanaika alone makes Fuji-Q a park worth visiting.

  • London M.

    First Drop Fun Intensity

    This ride is the shit. 'Nuff said.

  • London M.

    Pace Capacity Launch Pointless

    Manta at the same park does better in every way. The launches were especially forceless and unexciting, and the low capacity does not make waiting in line worth it. One of Intamin's worst without question. The only thing it has going for it is decent pacing. I went in expecting to be underwhelmed and stayed underwhelmed, just ride Manta instead if you go to SWSD.