• elias heninger

    Airtimes Location Comfort Capacity Lap Bar

    Recently they added a ratcheting seatbelt that completely saps this ride of its old school thrill. Honestly have never seen such a bizarre seatbelt, you're completely stapled and won't leave your seat once unless you fight it. Capacity has also been abysmal as for the last couple years they have only had one train and each dispatch takes at least 5 minutes plus ride duration, you'll be standing in direct sun for a while. It's still smooth and if you fight the belt you might get a little lift but I don't recommend that.

  • elias heninger

    Airtimes Lap Bar Launch Rattle Too short Capacity

    The launch is punchy, every hill provides decently strong ejector but the capacity and operations are absolutely abysmal. This would be a great ride as a walk on as while the duration extremely short it is punchy, however with just the one 12 seat train and sleepwalking attendants it ended up being a two hour wait on a slower weekday. Sprint to this at opening and don't bother coming back.