Theming Smoothness Duration Layout

    A small kids Coaster with an above average attention to theming. The ride itself doesnt do much beside bounce you a little on the hills here and there. Its a very simpel layout with only a small drop and a hill before turning back into the station however you go around the layout 4 times which increases the duration and the satisfaction for waiting in line. It does what its meant to do for kids but nothing more.


    Layout Duration Rattle Capacity

    The ride itself is pretty to look at and the layout is somewhat solid for a kids Coaster. You go around three times which add to the duration. The forces however is extremely mild and only 1-2 times where you can feel any G-forces on your body. Theming is alright, nothing major to mentions since most of the experience on ride is rooftops and a tunnel with lights. -Most of the theming is in the queue and somewhat fine. There is 2 spots on the ride that has a noticeable rattle coming out of a turn that does slingshot you from one side to the other which can result in your elbows or arm getting pinched pretty hard. The main con about capacity is the awfull dispatch times this ride has. I was here on moderate busy day. The train can carry 32 people every time and the ride lasts 1m & 32 seconds. But a cycle of people took 7-8 minutes. I waited in line for 1 hour which in theory means that only 274 people where in line in front of me. For a powered Coaster which such a long train is awfull. Now there multiple reasons for the bad dispatches so im just going to name a few. - When getting to the gates you have to scan your wristband which they only allow you to do when the train is on its last cycle which men that only half the gates actually has people before the train returns to station. -Lab bars take way too long to open. -Gates are only opened when all guests has left the station. -Restrains are not locking before everyone has sit down instead of letting the guests lock them immediately. Your time is spent better going on other rides than this if the queue goes past entrance.


    Theming Rattle Headbanging Tear it down!

    Even with refurbishment and new laser cut track its still hot garbage. If you want a headache. sure go ahead and ruin your day. Only positive is that the ride has received a little better theming but not an impressive amount what so ever.


    Airtimes Intensity Ejectors

    This is a top tier coaster that should not be disappointing if you love quick transitions and plenty of ejector and positive g's The first drop is decent and is pretty forceful if you sit in the back car. Going into the first turn has very high positive G's and there is a high chance of gray-out if you don't anticipate it. Then the ride proceds to try to throw you out of your seat over and over in every single airtime hill throughout the layout. The middle section is definitely the highlight where the track stays close to the ground but keeps doing twisting while doing bunny hills. The final turn is not so much but acceptable since it leads into a last quick airtime moment before hitting the brakes.


    Launch Intensity Duration Dead spots

    Juvelen is a hidden gem for enthusiasts. its unexpected to be riding what is is supposed to be a family coaster but is way more intense than what you would expect. The first launch is nothing special and feels perfectly fine for a ride meant for all ages. BUT then the second launch hits you halfway through the layout and MY god the intensity just goes from 5 to a 10 really fast. If you are not leaning into the turns you will be get whipped really hard with lateral G's and the quick transitions will makes it hard to see where you are going. This is NOT a family coaster but more of Thrill coaster with a "family" sticker on top to make it accessible for younger guests. The con: Close to the end of the layout there is some airtime hills that don't really do anything but its noticeable.