• Joseph Moore

    First Drop Fun Hangtime

    This ride has really grown on me the more I have ridden it. I even put it above Nitro as my second favorite coaster at SFGDV, only behind El Toro. The first drop is spectacular, especially from the backrow. Almost 90 degrees. So while not the highest coaster, it is still a very intense drop. The inversion are very fun, including one of them that hangs you upside down for a few second, before flipping the train back around. The one turn has some really good whip to it. The second part of the ride after the break run gets criticized, but I think it is fine. Some sharp turns and fun airtime hills. Not as good as the first part of the ride, but that is normal for most coasters. It is smooth, fast, and comfortable enough seating. The only downside is you cannot pick where you want to sit. But I think that is ok, because any seat will give you a great ride.

  • Joseph Moore

    Launch Intensity Too short

    The launch is absolutely intense. It does not take long for it to reach the top. The ride down is intense as well. The airtime hill toward the end is very underrated IMO. This is a front row ride. Definitely worth the wait. There is no rattle or headbanging in the front row.

  • Joseph Moore

    Airtimes Capacity Comfort

    This is one I call a very good all around coaster. It does not have any weaknesses in my view. It is high, fast, smooth, great first drop, excellent floater airtime. I seriously do not get the people saying it has weak airtime. At least in the back row, you literally come out of your seat, knees all the way up for about 3 to 4 seconds when going over some of those airtime hills. It also has a very intense helix right before the mid course break run. You can be sure to grey out on this one. It also has some of the most comfortable seating of any coaster I have ridden. However, I would say that overall it is not the most intense ride. If you want intensity, El Toro, Jersey Devil, and Kingda Ka are all much more intense than this one. But it still has all the components that I look for in a roller coaster.