• * Grace *

    Capacity Fun Intensity Headbanging Discomfort Intensity

    This ride is LOADS of fun - well, not for everyone. It’s also kind of sneaky - I could’ve sworn this ride wasn’t gonna be too bad. 😭 The intensity is both a joy, and a pain in the ass. I went with my mother (who absolutely hated it) and in the dark tunnel part, our heads kept banging together. I did have fun for the most part, though, but it’s not my favorite.

  • * Grace *

    Fun Masterpiece Duration Capacity

    I had LOADS of fun - this distracted me from a previous pain I had from The Fly. I *ADORE* this ride - and it’s very fun, even my friend who’s been on the Yukon Striker millions of times thinks so. Just put your hands up and have a bit of a laugh, take time to relax a bit. Although, I (5’8) sat with my friend (5’2) and we just barely fit on - our hips were kinda squeezed together. I went a few months ago with my mother as well (5’10) and we also barely fit. 😂 Maybe it’s just a hip thing from my end, but there could be more space.

  • * Grace *

    First Drop Fun Layout Headbanging Discomfort Reliability

    I had LOADS of fun - until at the end, it jolted to a really rough stop, and my head slammed against the foam part on the restraint and there were tooth marks. Luckily, my teeth aren’t broken! The 3 others with me said it really hurt when they were slammed forward - and the bar dug into their stomachs. Another group of friends went after us, and they said there were no abrupt stops. Weird…