• Benjamin Flavell

    First Drop Location Masterpiece Theming

    Wildfire is literally just a masterpiece. Every thing from the first drop to the location is absolutely incredible. It looks very nice at the top of the chainlift so i really appreciate that they made that helix after it so that you have more time to appreciate the the absolutely stunning location. The rest of the layout is also really fun. Everything from the airtime to the inversions and all the twists and turns is just so fun. If i had to be picky, the tm¨heming isn't the greatest but personally, I don't really care about it anyway. Plus it doesn't even matter since you almost never have to wait more than 10 minutes to ride since no one wants to (for some reason). Overall, this is the best roller coaster I have ever ridden. But that might change when I ride Der Schwur des Kärnan in the summer. 4.5 stars.