• Jor Cooreman

    Fun Dead spots

    All I can say is memories, I don't know a lot about the coasters itself since I was only 8 or something.

  • Jor Cooreman

    Comfort Layout Duration Launch

    The ride is very fun with a launch in the beginning that is pretty ixciting for the beginning, then there is a constant speed and a nice and smooth layout, then you get into the second launch, when I have first riden it I didn't even noticed the launch wich is pretty disapointing as it actually has a lot of potential in the launch but you can't feel or see it (since you're hanging). although the second launch the layout is still exciting and the ride itself is very exciting and fun! 100% would recommend!

  • Jor Cooreman

    Fun Too short

    The lifthill is pretty fun but gets boring quite fast, after that the drop is pretty exiting and there's even a tiny airtimehill at the end before the splash, but then it gets boring very fast because they tease you with some sprayers that go of when you pass it but in reality it's just a litle boat ride to the station where you most of the time just talk about that splash and how wet you are. I would say iconic but boring.

  • Jor Cooreman

    Capacity Theming Disappointing! Tear it down!

    The ride is pretty long and pretty fun for kids but for me I've almost never gone to plopsaland and thought "let's ride draak", even when I was a kid. The ride is pretty long but has no point of being there.