Location Rattle Discomfort
While the location and layout of this ride feels like it should offer a very fun unique wooden coaster experience, instead you get a ride that hurts. The roughness of the tracking is very detrimental and the layout does not offer much in the way of forces.
Harness Discomfort
While the layout should allow this coaster to function as a... sort of b-tier euro-fighter, the harness/restraint are awful. They pin you in and in a way that makes the inversions and sharp turns hurt. It's an uncomfortable ride as it currently exists and in this case the negatives unfortunately distract enough to outweigh the positives
Inversions Intensity Rattle Headbanging
This is another coaster that is a tale of two coasters. The restraints are truly awful. Especially with the rattle that wants to throw you side to side into the accordion restraint. However, if you can ride defensively and not hit your head, the ride itself is actually quite intense and fun. Beyond this, the park has announced it will be removing the accordion restraints going forward, just sticking with the lap bars. This should make the ride a MUCH more enjoyable experience and should let riders enjoy the power of the 3 loops. While the coaster could use a little work still - reprofiling some of the corners and transitions on the track, adding anti-rollbacks to the lift hill, etc, removing and simplifying the restraints should make the coaster an overall more enjoyable experience!
Airtimes Ejectors Rattle Discomfort
This coaster combines some of the best and worst of wooden coasters. The layout is tight and compact and offers incredible airtime and ejectors, all while being incredibly rough. The good definitely outweigh the bad here for me, though I don't think it's the kind of coaster you can marathon
Airtimes First Drop Nice surprise! Rattle
I was definitely surprised with this coaster. The theming is a nice touch and the first drop pulls surprising airtime - especially in the back row. The loops do not hurt as much as many other arrow loopers and the corkscrew is taken surprisingly quick offering good g's and a little hangtime. One of my favorite Arrow loopers
Intensity Hangtime Too short
Personally I feel like the Intamin Impulse is a very underrated coaster. Especially in the front or back row. Fast but comfortable launch. The hang time and the front and back of the ride are both airless and very enjoyable. One of the better gimmick models!
Airtimes First Drop Ejectors
Every time I return to King's Dominion over the last year it seems like they've retracked even MORE of this ride. As of this past weekend only a few spots have not been. Basically every element hits with the retracking now. Grizzly is 100% a back row ride. Almost exclusively. In the back row it's truly incredible. The lap bars can be a pain if you get stapled, but it's fairly easy - especially if you're a little larger or have larger legs - to steal that extra click or two of room. It's very easy for me to get that lap bar to leave me with... 10-12 inches of space. If you can manage extra room with the lap bar, this ride skyrockets to a near 10 out of 10. I'm on my feet on every drop. There's ejector, laterals, even laterals while it's providing ejectors leading to crazy like... diagonal ejector. Running as smooth as it is right now, and with the ability to sorta... game the restraints... it's one of the greatest wooden coaster experiences I have ever had. Massively re-rideable and an incredible feat by the Gravity Group for the re-track work they've done. I will die on the Grizzly hilly until it proves otherwise. One of my top wooden coasters. Also, shoutout to the second drop into the double-down in a tunnel!
Fun Smoothness
This ride does exactly what it's supposed to. It's a fun kids/family ride. It's not super intense but you can still get a little air and some intensity throughout. As it's fairly new it's also incredibly smooth. Vekoma has done a great job on this model recently as many of them run much smoother than older kid/family coasters
Harness Discomfort Dead spots
I have heard the surprise airtime - dropping into the tunnel at the end - is a saving grace for this old mine train. Even in the back row I was... disappointed. The rest of the ride is slow and forceless, and while old mine train cars can be a little cramped, this one hurt my legs as the transitions often caused me to slam into the sides and front of the car. Would not willingly ride again
Rattle Headbanging
Not the worst as far as boomerangs go. There are certainly others that run much more rough and are more uncomfortable. Not a great ride, but definitely more bearable than others
Fun Layout Capacity
I really enjoy these Gerstlauer spinners. They spin pretty good and pretty consistently and the layouts are more extreme than some other spinning coasters. Not the most thrilling ride, but a TON of fun for sure!
Airtimes Layout Rattle Discomfort
The first ride I got on this coaster was a pleasant surprise. I had heard... not great things. But upon re-rides it got worse and worse. I really like the layout and the stats of this coaster. Generally speaking It's got a lot going for it. And while a bit of roughness and rattle is ok - and can even be endearing - on old wooden coasters, it was far too bad on Boss. The trains are fine except for the final stretch into the breaks when there is an oddly placed pop of air into an immediate break that caused me to smash my knees into the seat in front of me all while the restraints clicked down a notch further. I hope they can bring in GCI or Gravity Group to retrack this ride - as expensive as a ride this long would be. If they can get it running smoother and by extension run it a little faster, it has potential to be a huge sleeper hit. Until then... it's a one and done anytime I'll be visiting the park
Capacity Fun Dead spots
I'm a little surprised at the hate this ride gets. While it's nothing special, I did not find it to be super rough, nor are the transitions as jarring as they can be on other older Arrow type coasters. The layout is... fine. Nothing special. But I got a little air and some good intensity - especially in the back. As long as you can get your head either above or in front of the restraint, the ride runs fairly smooth as well. And that's true for all original Arrow style trains - so I'm not entirely sure why Ninja gets more hate than other old Arrow coasters. It's not a stunning ride, but as far as old Arrows go (and yes I know Vekoma had to come in to finish building it) it's definitely better than many of them - looking at you corkscrew (Cedar Point)
Airtimes Location Ejectors Rattle
The shortest of the parks wooden coasters, the layout still rivals the best in the park. In the back row, the airtime and electors are very good, and the ride is intense the whole way through. It's a short ride and does have a rattle. But personally it's a nonstop intense jaunt the whole time through!
Intensity Layout Airtimes
A gorgeous layout, though it's a little distracting to run through the water park tube slide. The laterals are excellent and it's a long and surprisingly smooth ride. There are a few small pops of ejector, but overall a dissapointing amount of air time. It felt like the ride WANTED to throw me from my seat, but never got there. Even in the back row
First Drop Launch Layout
While short, this is just a fun coaster. There's good airtime and even a little bit of ejector on the top hat. The inversion is fast and smooth. The helix whips you around but it's still smooth, and the final heartline roll into the breaks is SLOW and it's a very intense element. It's a launch coaster with a full layout - much like a baby Storm Runner. Worth the price of admission alone
Duration Headbanging
This has an extended SLC layout, but it's headbangy. It's really rough on the first inversion. After that though it's not a bad ride overall
Airtimes First Drop Ejectors
It's fascinating to see a hyper that does not (due to the layout restrictions) rely as much on airtime moments. My first ride was row 6, and the coaster was far from special. Upon re-riding this one in the back row, however, I firmly believe it's a top tier b&m hyper. The ejector us unreal and while much of the layout is low to the ground, in the back row the forces are something to behold
Lap Bar Ejectors Rattle
A lateral machine, it runs a little rough. But it has a really cool unique identity. Throws you side to side like crazy with some ejector pops sprinkled in too
First Drop Ejectors Too short
It's an RMC. So it's definitely a good ride. Compared to other RMCs its a little short and not quite so forcefully. Overall though it's got a fun first drop and fun laterals too. Still a great coaster
Fun Smoothness Airtimes
A fun surprisingly smooth wooden kids coaster! Nothing special in the elements department. Little to no airtime or laterals. But smooth and a fun layout for kids nonetheless
Inversions Too short
A fun alternative to a normal launch coaster. Launches smooth and fast, though it already lost some steam before the dig tounge. A short ride with a good layout, but it much of layout is underwhelming as the coaster has lost too much speed for the elements to truly hit. At least this was the case when I rode. Was expecting an excellent launch and got a very good launch instead
As the name states this is a micro version of a wild mouse. It... feels like it. It's slow, a short layout and offers very little in the way of amusement. Zero theming. There is a minimal amount of laterals, but going so slow makes these negligible
8 laps. There are minimal, but some. laterals between cycles
A wonderful family/kiddie coaster. Not fast or intense, but a good coaster for young kids as its smooth and the theming is lovely.
Headbanging Discomfort
While the harness is an interesting take on a flying coaster, they are hard plastic and restrictive in a way that is not fun. While I personally prefer laying down to the typical inverted seat many other flying coasters use, this seat is close but still not much better overall. The inversions whip around aggressively causing head banging and pulling you through some elements too fast and some too slow
Theming Launch Layout Intensity
The theming and initial launch are quite fun for a family coaster, but the layout is a glorified Wild Mouse which takes away from the fun of the initial launch
First Drop Ejectors Rattle Harness Discomfort
A brilliant layout - packed with plenty of wonderful elements - ruined by the restraints and rattle. The inversions were snappy in a bad way, yanking you through the track. Anytime there was ejector or airtime the coaster would rip the rider back down to earth and remind them that this is not, in fact, and enjoyable ride.
Nice surprise! Pace Smoothness Too short
While a short family model, the seats are incredibly freeing and comfortable. The ride is impeccably smooth and has many nice foot-choppers.