• Evangelion Martini

    Lap Bar Inversiones Intensidad Incomodidad Tiempo muerto

    Neat classic Schwarzkopf that's somewhat held back by some pretty uncomfortably rough spots, as well as a comically slow lift hill.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Lap Bar Suavidad

    Solid family coaster, impressively smooth for this model as well.

  • Evangelion Martini
  • Evangelion Martini

    Fun Ejectors Capacidad Launch

    An exceedingly rare model, these old Arrow Launched Loops are a lot of fun. The capacity isn't great, nor are the launches anything to write home about; but ejector in the back going forward through the layout, and the backwards ejector in the front while running the layout in reverse are definitely worth it. Very fun, very re-rideable.

  • MapleFlakes

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch Tiempo muerto

    I went into this one with pretty low expectations and came away very pleasantly surprised! The theming in the queue is actually very nice and not something I expected at Kings Dominion. The launch is incredible and one of my favorites of all time. I assumed that this coaster would have over-the-shoulder restraints, so I was very excited to see it was just a lap bar. The only downside is that it does crawl a bit after the midcourse, but it remains quite fun regardless. The lines it can build up even on a slow day are quite frustrating, too. 8/10 - "We can't let you guys on because someone is throwing up back here" -Ride op explaining to us why we were just standing in the station

  • MapleFlakes

    Suavidad Demasiado corto Arnés ¡Decepción!

    This was my first free spin and it did not leave a good impression. The music as you rise up the lift hill is good I guess? The bamboo-styled supports look pretty nice. The actual ride experience is just not it for me, though. Vest restraints are rather uncomfortable for me and an absolute no for my riding buddy. The layout is incredibly short and we got no flips on our first ride, but the two we got on our second were just not fun and kind of uncomfortable. I can't say I was stoked to ride a free spin, but I might just outright avoid them going forward now. 3.5/10 - how is this considered the replacement for Volcano

  • Lil Rabe

    Fun Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    Fait sans VR (donc noir complet)

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Lap Bar Demasiado corto

    A fun family coaster with two good moments of air time. Buzz bars are always a big plus, and from my experience it seemed to run faster than the one at Carowinds. 4/10 - we got stuck at the base of the lift hill for like 20 minutes and I think the kid in front of us started flirting with me

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Lap Bar Demasiado corto

    For a step up from a kiddie it's actually very good. I highly recommend this as a first coaster for kids over Kiddy Hawk. I got to sit in the back, and because of the buzz bars there was actually a little bit of airtime on the two "big" drops. 4/10 - you call it Woodstock Express, yet it isn't train themed...curious

  • Mizol

    Airtimes Primera caída Intensidad Capacidad Lap Bar

    Un excellent coaster qui mérite entièrement sa renommé. Un layout sans temps mort qui enchaîne g+ et g- avec des airtime très puissant. On y trouve un first drop incroyable et des bunny à la fin qui sont de vrai petit cammelback. Ce coaster est aussi très bien intégrer dans sa zone très minimaliste forçant le regard sur lui. Le gros défaut du coaster que j'ai remarqué est le confort surtout avec les lap bar. Ce coaster utilise des train camping intamin, l'avantage c'est qu'on est très près du rail mais ces train sont assez restreintes en place et leur lap bar serre les cuisse seulement ce qui peut être douloureux à force de chain ride avec ses airtime. Les deuxième default de ce coaster est sa gestion par le parc. Le coaster tourne à 1 train durant toute la journée et les dispatch son super longue avec leur double vérification. En bref ce coaster est pour moi un coup de coeur et je trouve son layout parfait dans sont genre il est juste dommage que le parc ne fait pas l'effort de le gérer de manière respectable.