• Nat' Rides

    Primera caída Obra maestra Layout

    Une machine d'exception qui propose des éléments d'anthologie! Cependant il ne possède pas un rythme aussi effrénée que pourrais proposer un hybrid tel que Untamed!

  • Swiss Coaster Enthusiast .

    Airtimes Layout Duración Vibración

    This long anticipated coaster finally opened today and oh my god it's everything I hoped it would be. First up it's incredibly long and the first half already feels like a complete ride. The Launches feel very powerful for a Mack Rides coaster. It has some pretty strong airtime moments that will lift your shirt(s)/Jacket or whatever you are wearing. It has some good forces but it's not that intense in that category. The seats are very comfortable contrary to my expectations. The restraints are the ususal Mack LapBars, they are fine, the good thing is that they seem to remain in a fixed Position during the ride. The ride sadly has a noticeable vibration, it's not bad but I really hope this can be fixed, or doesn't get worse. Overall a great coaster but I wouldn't say it's Top 1 Material in my eyes. It's for sure in my Top 10 but I don't know where exactly, I need more rides and evaluation to determine a final spot. I waited 150 minutes for my first ride which is a new personal record for the longest time I waited for a coaster, it wasn't fun. Edit: After a total of 12 rides, it's my new #1

  • Lucas Pilloud

    Un coaster avec une thématique mythique et un bon first drop, par contre en therme d’agréabilité….

  • Lucas Pilloud

    Inversiones Suavidad Intensidad

    Un ride vraiment super fluide qui propose de belles et longues inversions, un de mes coasters préférés même si il manque un peu d’intensité

  • Nelertile

    Primera caída Lap Bar Situación


  • Sealver

    Velocidad Intensidad Duración Tematización Capacidad

    Launchs bien nerveux, figures intéressantes et surtout une longueur généreuse ! Taiga est vraiment un coaster complet et d'excellente facture. Pour passer au rang de chef d'oeuvre, il lui manque cette situation et cette théma, comme un Taron par exemple.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes Fun Vibración Capacidad Incomodidad

    Wildcat has been heavily improved, but it still isn’t fully fixed from the Gravity Group retrack. Before getting on, the capacity feels atrocious. 14 people on one train ops. You can see another train, but it isn’t running. On a quiet Sunday, it was a 45 minute wait while the second longest wait I experienced was 15 minutes. The restraints aren’t terrible, but I vastly prefer PTC restraints for their increased room for airtime. First drop is rough but tolerable. First turnaround isn’t noteworthy, and neither are the following turnarounds. The retracted airtime hills provide some decent floater. At this point, the ride is a solid 3.5-4 stars thanks to the pretty smooth experience. The final third of the ride is entirely different. The final turnaround provokes a constant trend of jackhammering. On the final hills, it can get so bad to the point that it’s laughable. My 2 rides were in the last 2 rows and those were probably the roughest rows, but it’s still questionable that the whole ride was like this. With that being said, my first rides on wildcat were mostly good, but they still need to retrack the finale at some point.

  • Vt2

    Airtimes Fun Layout Vibración

    This was the coaster that made me an enthusiast. Behemoth is a fun B&M hyper filled with floater airtime. Normally, this coaster has an intense rattle in the valleys that impacts the rerideability for me, however, on Passholder's Day of 2024, Behemoth's rattle was BARELY noticeable - plus the ride was running without the trim brakes, which made the airtime more sustained and powerful. I recommend riding in the very back row because you receive a pop of ejector airtime when you drop off the upwards helix at the end!

  • Ian Lundholm

    Lap Bar Fun Ejectors

    the best roller coaster in the world! ten out of ten, and i wish soo badly i could select more pros. there is nothing that they could change to make it better, and it is litterly perfect!


    Tematización Comodidad Obra maestra Capacidad Confiabilidad

    Franchement, depuis son ouverture (en 2014) j'ai l'habitude d'aller à EP environ 1 fois par an est c'est toujours un moment sympa où l'on est plongé dans le royaume des Minimoys. 2 avertissements : - premièrement, la partie extérieure de la file d'attente n'est vraiment pas la meilleure (en ligne droite, pas d'ombre), l'intérieur lui est magnifique ! - deuxièmement, je tiens à préciser qu'il n'y a plus de virtual line pour ce coaster, comme c'est le cas pour CanCan Coaster ! Je vous conseille donc de choisir le bon moment pour y aller car il y a facilement 30 min d'attente (du à ces 1100 pers/h), et de checker ce temps d'attente via leur application très bien faite (mais aussi très gourmande en électricité).