• Mathous 854


    The launch is really intense but it’s a bit shaky

  • Mathous 854


    Wonderful ! Airtimes are just insane and the backward launch is SOMETHING !

  • Chubba247

    Launch Intensidad

    This is my favorite launch on any coaster I've ridden, I don't care what the speed and acceleration stats say, this just feels the best. I have ridden Stealth multiple times and other launch coasters such as Taron and Furious Baco, all boasting better stats than Rita, but I don't believe any of them take you out of the station as suddenly or forcefully as Rita does. The modest and low to the ground layout allows Rita to maintain its speed throughout, and whilst very short, its lack of recovery time leading to the break run really makes it FEEL fast, even if it's not breaking any records.

  • Chubba247

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Tiempo muerto

    The best ride to ride with someone who's never gone on it before, I always hope I'm sat in front or behind someone that doesn't know. The ride begins with a respectable drop for a coaster of its type, but unfortunately just suffers from sacrificing a lot of its height to the indoor gimmick, resulting in a short and disappointing first half, but I would argue its totally worth it.

  • Chubba247

    Tematización Fun Suavidad

    Simply the best themed coaster in the UK, looks absolutely stunning on and off ride. The ride experience also feels super quick and forceful for such a modest layout, absolutely mesmerizing in the dark and best ridden at the back.

  • Adam Clough

    Launch Velocidad Obra maestra Tiempo muerto

    Yes, I know, dead spots aren’t realistic. But before that second launch, after the mini top hat it turns into nothing. Then the second launch comes and takes the show away. My overall #2.

  • Galaxium Tom

    Torta Inversiones Incomodidad

    Un bon vieux vekoma qui tape bien ! Ça fait +1 et c’est à peu près tout

  • Adam Clough

    Airtimes Velocidad Ejectors Demasiado corto

    Wayyyyyy too short. Somehow this is better than Steel Vengeance, but it is too short. Simply too short. However, it simply does everything better. A nice ride though.

  • Chubba247

    Primera caída Fun Suavidad Tiempo muerto Layout

    Solid, super smooth family coaster, but lacks a lot of variation. The only sensation you get is the smallest amount of air time over the many hills throughout the layout, but they all feel pretty much exactly the same. The ride lacks any intensity at all. The Wicker Man at Alton Towers trumps this ride in every way other than the first drop on Heidi being slightly better. Theming is cute and the coaster itself looks great, but again, gets out done by The Wicker Man ten fold. However if I had a kid and wanted to get them into bigger coasters, this would be one of the first things I take them on.

  • James Fletcher

    Airtimes Tematización Hangtime Demasiado corto

    Not the best Mack launched coaster, but it's a solid ride. Some good airtime moments especially in the back. Probably the best spike I have experienced on a coaster, due to the twist which gives some good laterals and floater airtime. The in-line twist and barrel roll gives a decent bit of hangtime. Wish it was a bit longer, but it's a fun coaster all in all.