• MapleFlakes

    Theming Fun Intensity Discomfort Layout

    The dark ride sections are fun and the first coaster portion is a joy. The fake out station is quite charming but the layout after that is rather short and boring. The brakes are quite aggressive, especially before the fake out. 7/10 - congratulate Brendan Fraser on the Oscar before you roll into the station

  • MapleFlakes

    Fun Intensity Duration Discomfort Lap Bar

    It's a classic for a reason. Though it's clearly showing its age it packs a punch and a surprising amount of thrills. There's absolutely something to be said for the darkness of the building enhancing the experience. It's certainly gotten rough and the T-bar is somewhat painful, but it's worth it for this iconic ride. 7/10 - I had to wear my backpack like it was my firstborn

  • MapleFlakes

    Theming Launch Fun

    Does it belong in Epcot? No. Is it a phenomenal ride that every Disney trip needs? Absolutely. The backwards launch is pure fun and the rotating cars are revolutionary. I do wish they took more advantage of the unique ride system by using more physical sets, but the ones they do are the highlight. This is what a roller coaster at Disney should be, and it might have set unrealistically high standards for the parks going forward. 9/10 - I was screaming the lyrics to "September" the entire time so I don't remember the plot

  • MapleFlakes

    Fun Too short Capacity

    It's a decent kiddie, though insultingly short. Do it if it has a less than 10 minute wait. 3.5/10 - if it was 10 seconds longer it would be better than VelociCoaster

  • Ajani J.

    Capacity Inversions Intensity Rattle Headbanging

    Solid ride, just the cobra roll causes a mild concussion,

  • Jude Schaad

    First Drop Launch Hangtime Headbanging

    The back is a lot smoother than the front.

  • Jude Schaad

    Airtimes Comfort Masterpiece

    Perfect ride

  • Reed

    Masterpiece Intensity Smoothness Intensity

    Almost too intense - but in the best way! Taiga got it all: intensity, smoothness, speed, height, drops, airtime, inversions, theming, lap bars...

  • Elliot Lambert

    Airtimes Inversions Launch Rattle

    Such a great ride! Definitely top 5 tier. Best ride in all of Universal Orlando and IOA. I could ride this over and over again, laughing and screaming my head off the whole way! A slight rattle, but nothing too noticeable.

  • Elliot Lambert

    Airtimes Capacity Location Dead spots

    This needs to be higher in the rankings! Magnum is one of the best coasters in the world, even today.