• Shroom

    Primera caída Tematización Situación Demasiado corto

    Fenix is a very good ride and has some intense forces. The first drop is very good and also the hangtime is fun. But what stands out the most in my opinion, is the incredible theming around it. The queue looks incredible and the location is also phenomenal. The biggest con is the ride length, it´s just way too short. Night rides on this thing are also very good. I still prefer Troy above Fenix due to its length and overall intensity

  • Vt2

    Situación Fun Duración

    Highly recommend paying to ride this. I've ridden it in both the winter and the summer. Surprisingly fast for a ride targeted towards families. You will experience mild laterals on some of the turns on the downhill portion.

  • Shroom

    Velocidad Intensidad Duración

    This ride is actually incredible. It is pretty long and has an incredible good pace. It´s insanely intense and has a pretty strong rattle, but if it was smooth, I wouldn´t like it as much tbh. There are some fun floater airtime moments and the first drop is also insane in the backrow. If you get the chance to ride it in the halloween nights, I totally recommend it in the front row. It´s incredible

  • Solar Winds

    Airtimes Velocidad Intensidad Vibración

    A very fun hypercoaster, probably my favorite from B&M only behind Raging Bull. Every hill gave incredible sustained floater, even as strong as flojector in many moments. There is a bit of a rattle but I didn't find it to harm the ride that much. The helix is super intense and the ride maintains a consistently strong pace throughout its entire layout. I also love how it weaves in and out of the park and you get to see the crowds below you through the pathways.

  • Solar Winds

    Airtimes Primera caída Inversiones Demasiado corto

    A short but sweet RMC. It does a lot in its compact layout. The famous wave turn is excellent and the inversions pack solid hangtime. I just wish it was an element or two longer. It is the worst iBox I've ridden but it is still in my top 25 which is a testament to how amazing these rides are. Also, prepare for some of the slowest dispatches you've ever experienced.

  • Christopher S.

    Vibración Sin interés

    Doesn't do anything except give a rough ride.

  • Vt2

    Situación Velocidad Fun

    My introduction to Arrow Dynamics coasters. A short-but-sweet ride full of high speed and tight turns. Only gripe is the short duration and MAYBE the mild headbanging closer to the back of the train that I experienced on my last ride. Overall would recommend sitting closer to the front of the train or even in the very front for the best experience!

  • Christopher S.

    Airtimes Primera caída Intensidad

    Immediately Iron Gwazi is a candidate for the best first drop. Then, the rest of the layout is perfection, containing plenty of airtime and a really intense ride. Incredible.

  • Solar Winds

    Velocidad Obra maestra Ejectors

    This ride is unbelievable. I had high expectations going in and it still managed to surpass them. Ridiculous pacing and some of the best elements on any RMC. I rode it in 60 degree weather and it was still hauling. There was basically no one in the station so I just rode it without getting off. A perfect coaster and my #3 RMC only behind Steel Vengeance and Iron Gwazi.

  • Vt2

    Primera caída Inversiones Intensidad

    Truly a solid ride! Admittedly short, but the sequencing of elements makes up for that. The drop and zero-g roll are easily my favourite parts of Yukon Striker. I'd honestly recommend ANY row, although I would choose the front for the unobstructed view and the back if the hang before the drop terrifies you. The ride looks intimidating from the ground, but it's all graceful and floaty fun after the drop.