• Miguel Ángel Campillo

    Airtimes Obra maestra Ejectors

    the best coaster in spain without doubt

  • Nico C.

    Fun Torta Incomodidad

    Un spinning coaster inconfortable qui fait vraiment mal à chaque virage du parcours. À faire, s'il n'y a pas trop d'attente, pour l'ambiance présent dans la file d'attente et dans le lift qui donne un côté fun à l'attraction.

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída Velocidad Suavidad Demasiado corto Tiempo muerto

    My first rides in daylight had noticeable dead spots, and the ride left me underwhelmed. However, Orion redeemed itself with two night rides in the front where I could feel the speed better, and the airtimes and laterals had much better intensity. The ending is an unwelcome surprise, leaving you thinking that the coaster should have added a few more elements.

  • Miller Pasquale

    Capacidad Incomodidad Layout

    This ride has such great potential. The trains on this ride are the killer. If this ride had dragonflier’s trains, this would be rated so much higher.

  • Miller Pasquale

    Situación Torta Demasiado corto Incomodidad

    This ride hurts. Although It is a classic, the transitions combined with the lack of heart lining make this ride a one and done.

  • Bryce Blanch

    Intensidad Torta ¡Decepción! Layout

    A vekoma boomerang with over the shoulder restraints. Gave me a horrible headache

  • Robert A.

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Tiempo muerto

    The first half of this ride goes hard. It's super fun, and reminiscent of the greatness of Dino Dash. It's a solid stepping stone family coaster, and the surprise is good too, but after the surprise the coaster simply has absolutely zero momentum left, leading the ride to end on a bit of a nothing note.

  • Robert A.

    Airtimes Lap Bar Vibración Tiempo muerto

    I love the straight parts so much, and all of the hills, but it doesn't take corners very well and the helix ends the ride on a bit of a low point. But those hills are classic "good wooden roller coaster" and are more than worth it.

  • Robert A.

    Situación Fun Suavidad

    Much better than I was expecting. Orkanen is a super fun layout and can't wait to find more of these. A little short but we got a two-lap special which was great

  • Robert A.

    Launch Inversiones Incomodidad Layout

    Layout just has no clue what it's doing, twisting in random directions with no real sense or reason to them, tracks awfully and quite rough in some spots. Combine the two, especially seated in the back where you can't see what's coming up, and it equates for a bit of a bad ride. Just like Speed at Oakwood, the 'good' ends after the ejector hill (which is at the beginning of the ride). Even in the front it's difficult to brace for what's coming next, it all adds up to a ride that simply stops being fun after the first 25%.