• Ben Hopson

    Tematización Velocidad Fun Lap Bar

    It's a good fun GCI! Don't get me wrong it's no Wodan or Troy, but for its size it's really good. This year it's back to running smooth again which is a bonus, yet it still has enough of a small rattle to feel exciting. The layout itself has nice pops of airtime and surprisingly strong laterals, as well as a great sense of speed. The theming is also fantastic! However, as much as I like millennium flyers, the lap bar can really come down on you throughout the ride, which (on this ride more than any other I've ridden) REALLY ruins the airtime. I'd recommend holding onto the lap bar to stop this from happening, if you do this I guarantee you'll enjoy the ride significantly more. Overall a great family/thrill coaster and in my opinion one of the country's best!

  • Ben Hopson

    Velocidad Fun Suavidad Capacidad

    Despite being the same layout as several other vekoma family coasters I've been on, this one actually seemed to retain its speed much better! Led to some intense turns with decent laterals and even a small pop of floater!

  • Ben Hopson

    Comodidad Fun Suavidad Tiempo muerto Intensidad

    Very fun ride and quite underated in my opinion, it's not very intense but it's not supposed to be. It's good as a first 'big' coaster and even for more experienced riders it still provides a fun, smooth, comfortable ride as expected from a B&M flyer. Sit in the back for a bit of an extra 'whip' through some elements!

  • Ben Hopson

    Surprisingly shaky but still good for kids

  • Ben Hopson

    It's a caterpillar. Quite well themed but still a caterpillar nonetheless

  • Ben Hopson

    Tematización Inversiones Velocidad Vibración

    My favourite wing coaster, mainly for its pacing and visual appearance. It didn't really seem to let up until the very end of the layout, and it's accentuated by a really good location and visuals (and soundtrack!). There's definitely some shuffling as it traverses some elements, but the vests eliminate any headbanging.

  • Ben Hopson

    Primera caída Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Demasiado corto

    One of my biggest surprises! Went in expecting the worst dive coaster, ended up being my personal favourite of the model! Yeah it's short but for me it's made up for by the theming and the fact that the elements it does have are all good fun. Not to mention it's an absolute spectacle from ground level.

  • Ben Hopson

    Launch Suavidad Demasiado corto ¡Decepción! Intensidad

    I wasn't expecting anything amazing but...it's just worse Rita? Yeah Rita is rougher but it feels much more intense and punchy than this, which by comparison felt relatively forceless and bland. I think I caught it at a bad time though, it seemed to traverse the layout much slower than I've seen before, and the launch - while forceful - appeared to not reach it's intended speed.

  • Ben Hopson

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Layout Duración Vibración Lap Bar

    Best bobsled. Long, well integrated into the terrain, overall great fun!

  • Ben Hopson

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Situación Intensidad Torta Tematización

    Surprisingly very enjoyable for its age and ride type! The location is great and the ride is very intense, especially in the double loops. Also, while it's jolty in places, miraculously the rest remains relatively smooth. Overall a good classic!