• Cr4zy Fikani

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Capacidad

    Un très bon family coaster, intense et qui propose de très bonnes sensations dans une excellente Thema ! Dommage cependant qu'il ai un débit catastrophique pour Disneyland paris, le tout dans une file d'attente mal thématisé.

  • Timothée SERE

    Tematización Suavidad Duración Intensidad

    Plus beau coaster du monde.

  • Timothée SERE

    Airtimes Primera caída Layout

    Graou graou le méchant coaster !! Sinon le layout est bon, fluide, first drop de tartaré, les 2 premiers chamel back t'arrache comme il faut. On peut lui reprocher le petit repos après le non inverted cobra roll, mais franchement, de là à dire que c'est un mauvais ride, faut pas déconner !!

  • Abby Clarke

    Tematización Fun Obra maestra Tiempo muerto

    Taron is a superbly balanced coaster - it's not ground breaking in any one sense, but it does everything very well - it's whippy, has airtime, has good launches, superb theming, a great soundtrack, lots of integration with buildings and rocks (and a waterfall), awesome lighting and effects (particularly after dark), it's buttery smooth and comfortable. The only criticism would be the dead spots before the second launch and after the trim brake, but it's such a beautiful and well thought out experience that it became my no. 1 coaster the second I rode it. I went to Phantasialand for F.L.Y., I'll be back for Taron!

  • Glass Cannonn


    It’s ok. Much preferred dragon slayer at Adventureland. It spun more and yet made me feel less icky after riding it. It’s ok but don’t feel like I’d need ride it again.

  • Glass Cannonn

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch Intensidad Capacidad

    Not a huge fan of this style of coaster in the past but really enjoyed it today. The launch and ride in general is pretty intense and fun. Wouldn’t want to marathon it but a lap per visits makes total sense.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes Comodidad Fun Tiempo muerto

    It’s old but still dishes out a few moments of quality airtime and pretty comfortable even in the back. It’s pretty slow though. Funny that it has a similar issue as viper but viper as more aggressive air.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Tiempo muerto Intensidad

    Remember it being really good about 10 years ago and some aspects still are. It’s still relatively smooth for a wooden coaster IMO, and has several good airtime moments. I did ride in the back though. Cons, it was a cooler day and it was running pretty slow. You run into some dead spots and the ride just isn’t as intense as I’d like it to be. I still have to give 4/5 for the airtime, being comfortable and definitely re rideable. Really curious if it’s speeds up at the end of a really hot day.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Inversiones Vibración ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    Not a huge wing coaster fan, other than thunderbird holiday world, and this one is meh as well. Noticeable rattle made the ride a bit uncomfortable as well.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes Primera caída Vibración Tiempo muerto Layout

    So hard not to enjoy the first drop on any B&M and same goes for RB. There are still airtime moments but could be a lot more with a better hyper layout. I’m sure the layout has a lot to do with space constraints, but I much rather have an out and back with multiple airtime hills like Behemoth at my home park. The more twister style creates some dead spots in the ride as well. Sad to see these B&Ms starting to age and rattle. RB rattle is on the minimal side at least compared to some other aging B&Ms. Still a fun ride but third best now after Maxx Force