• Robin B.

    Pretty standard children coaster type, saw it in 3 parks at least (as of writing) but I still enjoy it as the model was one of my first coasters I rode

  • Robin B.


    Pretty standard coaster type already ridden it in 3 other parks (as of writing this) just different theming

  • Robin B.

    First Drop Disappointing!

    There is a lift inside of the tower bringing you to the drop which is nice but afterwards it's basically straight sailing back to the station...

  • Robin B.

    Nice surprise! Launch Fun

    I was caught off guard by the launch as I didn't expect it to be that powerful! But it was amazing

  • Robin B.

    Airtimes Intensity Rattle

    I guess rattle is to be expected but I was quite amazed by how intense these types of coasters are as it was the first one of it's type that I have ridden

  • Robin B.

    Pace Intensity Ejectors Rattle

    I guess the rattle is expected on this type of coaster, but I felt like it was the best one of the day we spent here

  • Robin B.

    Capacity Fun Smoothness

    It's pretty smooth, but that's too be expected from a new coaster (as of writing this) I like the first dive drop I guess it's a side dive? Not sure if that is what it is called, but I liked the coaster overall

  • Robin B.

    Theming Launch Disappointing! Dead spots Layout

    It has an amazing theme, nice launch and the first inversion is quite nice, afterwards it's just a flat track with some hills and one more inversion in between... Maybe as it was a superman coaster before it fits better but left me quite disappointed

  • Robin B.

    Theming Headbanging

    I like the fact they play music during the ride, it makes the experience more unique as it is a standard coaster type. Still a lot of forces act on the head it feels like specifically when going backwards...

  • Robin B.


    For children I think it is quite a decent ride