• Hudson A.

    Intensidad Torta Incomodidad

    Two words: that hurt. At least the drop and the vertical loop was smooth.

  • Sam B

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Ejectors

    I wasn't sure if I was going to like this ride when I first rode it because I tend to get motion sickness from spinning, but there wasn't a whole lot of spinning at all, despite it being a spinning coaster. Not only that, this thing has awesome laterals and airtime, which I was not expecting. Overall, this is a pretty awesome coaster.

  • Sam B

    Lap Bar Velocidad Fun Tiempo muerto

    Nice laterals and floater with a nice pop of ejector at the end. Relatively tame but fun.

  • Sam B

    Airtimes Launch Hangtime

    Contrary to popular belief, this thing is better in the back then in the front. It has a nice launch, and in the back you get some insane airtime on the top hat. I like the inversions, which have some great airtime.

  • Julie D.

    Tematización Launch Duración

    Les launchs sont puissants et ça bombarde bien avec des changements de direction très sympa ! De nuit, c'est encore plus fun. Mais ça manque quand même un peu d'intensité. ça reste une balade en highspeed

  • Sam B

    Airtimes Obra maestra Intensidad

    I love this roller coaster. It is a great ride in the back. I rode in the very back row. The lateral forces on this are absolutely insane and I love it! There are also some good airtime moments as well, though this coaster seems more focused on lateral gs than airtime. This is overall an amazing ride and I absolutely love it. Amazing, incredible, unbelievable👍 I would definitely recommend riding in the back. After going back this year, I rode in the front and it was a really rough ride.

  • Sam B

    Airtimes Primera caída Ejectors Demasiado corto

    I thought this was a really fun ride. If you want some insane ejector airtime, ride it in the back. I rode it in the second to last row, and on the ejector finale, you get a lot of great ejector. The first drop was cool because it wasn't just a straight drop down off the lift hill, but has more of a turn to it. My only complaint is that it was a bit on the shorter side, but aside from that, it is overall a great coaster.

  • Shroom

    Fun Suavidad Incomodidad

    It´s just a wild mouse so nothing special. But for a wild mouse it was really smooth!

  • Shroom

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Demasiado corto

    I was pretty surprised after riding it because I expected it to be awful. I enjoyed the layout with it having an elevator lift and some punchy curves, but it totally is too short. That´s the only thing that could make this ride bad, but I liked what they did with the plot of land and it is still a smooth experience

  • David Parrett

    The new trains with comfort collars were a nice touch on another clone at this park.