• Raymond C.

    Inversions Launch Smoothness Discomfort

    For me Storm Runner is one of if not the best rollercoaster at Hersheypark. It is an excellent rollercoaster that has stood the test of time. The launch is perfect as it is very forceful while being smooth. The ride uses airtime as well as a launch coaster can. And the flying Snake Dive here is pure fun as it is not disorientating and it doesn't give you a headache. This exact Snake Dive is among my favorite single rollercoaster elements of all time. The entire ride is very well paced, without dead spots, smooth and in my opinion not too short. The only real cons of the rollercoaster are the awful plastic seats. But other than that this rollercoaster can still compete with newer ones and I consider it as one of the best launch coasters out there. It is probably the best Intamin Accelerator Coaster.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Fun Intensity Rattle

    I rode Renegade the first day it reopened after this year's flooding. It's definitely a bit rougher than last year, but it didn't lessen my love for this coaster. The layout and intensity leave me breathless after each ride. It maintains its speed throughout, and it feels faster than 51 mph. The airtimes are great in the front. The back has more intensity, but loses a little of the airtime. I avoid middle seats because they rattle too much. The twisting first drop is really fun, especially in the back. Front and back seats put this solidly in my top 30.

  • Noah Pesh

    Airtimes Launch Masterpiece Reliability

    This thing is a beast. To have ridden it only a few months after opening and it still be that good is a wild feat. Every single element gives pure ejector and that is a wild understatement. People say the trims on the top hat ruin the ride but they don’t. The stall however is kind of a dead spot due to its pacing and lack of good hangtime but it doesn’t bring down the ride at all because of the nature of the element. The ride is very intense in places and features an insane whippy barrel roll. The theming is very underrated, for example the lights in the queue tunnels are incredible. The night ride for this is just unreal. My number 1 rollercoaster

  • BonkersCoasters

    Airtimes First Drop Hangtime Rattle

    What a ride! I was going into this ride with very high expectations but they were somehow exceeded!!! The first drop is one of the best I have ever experienced because it is absolutely out of this world with incredible views and ejector airtime combined with intense laterals which makes it really hard to process what just happened. The rise into the immelmann has good positives and the drop gives great flojector airtime. This next element is really strange but it's an outward banking airtime hill which twists into a barrel roll inversion which is absolutely incredible with just a lapbar for incredibly sustained sideways ejector airtime into hangtime. The dive stall following after has absolutely fantastic hangtime before you drop down with great force into the splashdown where there are trim brakes which you can feel but they definitely don't ruin the final part of the layout. There is a smaller outerbank with great ejector and laterals into a banked turn with some light gs into an airtime hill with a pop of flojector into the brake run. It might sound like a short ride experience but trust me it feels long enough when you are on it with the intense airtime! The station has a great dispatch sequence with lighting, music, projections and smoke and the outerbank out of it is great for interactions with people waiting in the queue! I have no issues with Hyperia being more stylised than themed due to the coaster being so tall, fast and thrilling. Depending which train and seat you are on there is a pretty bad rattle, but it doesn't take away from what is one of my favourite coasters I've ridden.

  • Daniel Woodward

    Fun Smoothness Too short

    A decent water coaster but I was expecting a little bit more than that... Not really that wet either but still enjoyable non the less

  • Daniel Woodward

    Fun Layout Too short Capacity

    It's an enjoyable bobsled coaster but I must say I am not a fan of the fact you have to sit on your friends lap when riding together, but overall it has some good drops and helixes that make it worth it.

  • Daniel Woodward

    Pace Fun Layout Rattle Airtimes

    This ride is a fast paced great wooden coaster. There isn't much airtime on the ride but that is made up for the fast turns and dips you encounter. It is also a great visual as you are entering the park, overall good family thrill coaster.

  • Daniel Woodward

    Masterpiece Ejectors Hangtime

    This thing is insane, I rode it 5 times during my visit and that is the minimum amount of rides you need to even comprehend just how fun it is. From start to Finnish it is just relentless 10/10

  • Jacko No

    Airtimes Fun Discomfort

    It was very fun But I had a nasty headache after it

  • Jacko No

    Discomfort Reliability

    It was Ok but it shut down Right after I got off. That last turn hurts though