• Cooper Zimmerman

    Primera caída Capacidad Hangtime Vibración Airtimes Tiempo muerto

    I know I rode this when it was under 40 degrees the whole day but I just really didn't think this coaster was anything special. It mostly felt like filler elements and the airtime was pretty weak throughout, the drop as well as the dive loop and stall were pretty fun but that was mostly about it. The camelback and turnaround gave literally nothing as did the zero g roll and finale. I definitely need a reride but for now this is BY FAR my weakest RMC and isn't top 5 in the park.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Intensidad Suavidad Layout Tematización Capacidad

    I really enjoy standup coasters and this one just takes it to a whole new scale. Flying through those massive inversions and turns while standing provides some ridiculous positive g's and those g's are sustained for the whole ride and it's a long one with 5 inversions and a really complete layout. It is also a super smooth coaster and throwing in some good floater moments this is definitely one of the better B&M's for me.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Situación Ejectors Duración

    Besides Beast at night this might be the most out of control ride I've ever experienced. The whole thing is so rough which makes it way crazier and it just keeps throwing crazy good ejector moments and laterals at you while weaving through the stunning mountainside. Such a long ride and honestly feels like an endurance test but a crazy fun one for sure.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Primera caída Arnés Demasiado corto

    Don't underestimate the small stature of this wild wooden beast. The drop and all the hills give some surprising legit ejector and the turns give some awesome lats. Not a long coaster but worth the stop if you're doing Lake Compounce.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Launch Intensidad Tiempo muerto

    Maverick was a lot better this year than I remembered in 2018. This thing is a long and constant barrage of strong ejector, snappy laterals, great inversions and some really fun launches. That first drop is easily one of the best I've experienced and it throws you straight into those great snaps with some cool theming, follow that up with an amazing pure ejector hill that almost throws you into lake erie with its power. The twisted horseshoe roll is pretty solid but there isn't any whip or hangtime that really stands out too much. That second launch in that tunnel is so fast and a very good lsm launch that throws you into a crazy tight and fast left turn into a trimmed hill that still provides some ejector and great positives curving out of it. Those stengel dives are insane for just how sustained and strong the whip you get and especially on the second one. The final ejector hill is a great touch too and the whole ride just feels so fast and the pause before the second launch doesn't really ruin the pacing for me. The first half was a lot stronger and more forceful than I remembered and while it can't hold a candle to it's bigger brother in VA it's still awesome and second best at Cedar Point.

  • Coaster Demon

    Airtimes Inversiones Intensidad

    This is by far the most underrated coaster I've ridden. Idk how this ride isn't talked about more. It's extremely intense, whippy and snappy. It has some amazing airtime moments and some of the best inversions out there. The restraints are not restrictive at all so you can get a ton of room on this ride. The pacing on this ride is also really good as it never slows down till the end. Steel Curtain is an amazing that needs to be talked about more.

  • Coaster Demon

    Airtimes Fun Ejectors

    The original hyper coaster is a insane ride. Magnum XL 200 has some of the craziest airtime moments ever on any coaster. The triangle hills feel like RMC hills. The camelbacks on this ride towards the front gave really good ejector airtime. This ride honestly was smooth in my opinion. Just a bit jerky but that added to the ride experience. Magnum is incredible and is defiantly top 3 at Cedar Point.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Primera caída Intensidad Ejectors

    I've ridden this probably about 150 times and it still never gets old for me. That first turn is pretty much an automatic blackout for me every ride and the whole rest of the coaster is ridiculously fast and forceful. Those snaps don't feel safe and make maverick look tame, honestly the whole ride does that imo. This ride has airtime literally on those snaps too as well as on the speed hill coming off the big camelback, getting airtime combined with laterals going like 80 mph is surreal. The airtime in general is super underrated and really strong ejector with the first drop as well as the massive sustained skyrush level camelback and the hills later in the ride especially with the trims off. This thing has incredible pacing and is flawlessly smooth and whoever complains about the restraints has literally no pain tolerance. This will likely always be in or near my top 5 and is just a heaven like experience.

  • Coaster Demon

    Airtimes Intensidad Ejectors

    Phantom's Revenge is a power house of a coaster. Every single airtime moment delivers Strong ejector airtime. The ride is also very fast paced and intense. This ride is absolutely fantastic and is for sure one of the best hyper coasters ever built

  • Coaster Demon

    Airtimes Layout Ejectors

    Twisted Timbers is just a airtime machine. Every hill give strong ejector airtime. The ride throws you through every single airtime moment and element one after another after another. The inversions this ride has are really good. This ride is for sure not Steel vengeance level. But it's still an amazing coaster