• Dan Getliffe

    Théma Trop court Inconfort Layout

    I did not get on well with this ride at all which really surprised me. I probably need to go on the front to reassess but I had a torrid time on the third row. This is a strange coaster as it’s not particularly visible in the park, and this translates into the ride experience - you cannot see where you are going at all. Into out of tunnels, whipping round blind corners, the whole thing is discombobulating. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue, but as it’s very intense I just got dizzy and nauseous fast. Thankfully it’s over quickly, but I don’t get the high placement for this one.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Bonne suprise ! Trop court

    Slightly more intense than Force so I preferred it, but not much in it.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Bonne suprise ! Intensité

    There’s not much between this and Fear for me, in that there’s not much here to get too excited about. There are some fun surprise elements inside which I found interesting, but once you’ve done it on one ride it’s repeated similarly on the other and the surprise is gone. Good fun, but expected a bit more from these rides.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Fun Intensité Harnais

    This ride is fast and intense - and don’t be deceived by it’s harmless looking exterior! Theming is top notch as well. It’s just bonkers, has no right to be as quick as it is. Big minus for those very loose lap bars however, unfortunately you have to hold on (otherwise you’ll squish the person next to you) which diminishes the pops of airtime that are dotted about.

  • Dan Getliffe


    I quite liked this for some reason! There were 2 goes round (maybe that’s not normal?), and the Klugheim theming adds a lot to this, you can see Taron a few times. It feels quite quick too. Only gripe is one of the backwards turns made me nauseous (twice!) but a minor niggle.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Fun Inconfort

    The VR is actually quite good for the most part (although is quite restrcitive in field of view terms - if you turn your head too much you are greeted with just pale blue ice). Didn’t really understand what was happening in terms of the story though. Also found it a little nauseating after a while and was looking forward to it being over! Ride itself is fun if unspectacular.

  • Stefan v.

    Théma Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre

    The best coaster I've ridden so far. It truly is something else. All other coasters I've been on are nothing compared to this, it's amazing. After the first launch it just goes and never stops. When the second launch hits the adrenaline starts pumping even more. Masterpiece.

  • Carrie C.

    Théma Fluidité Trop court

    god DAMN that’s smooth.

  • Brian Sheldon

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors

    My favorite coaster on the planet when I first rode it in 2004. After 2 subsequent visits in 2015 and 2018, and even after having ridden over 100 other coasters, nothing has changed that. To me it is as good as it gets. Sure, it isn't liquid smooth like some modern coasters, but I think that is what makes it so great. That rattling and shaking ups the intensity vastly. The first drop is spectacular, the second, decent. The turn around suspended way up in the air on the supports is fabulous. Then, and oh boy, THEN, the return trip back to the station. That is where this thing earns its money. The airtime hills are truly the best there are anywhere--in the right seat. It is way better than decent in any seat, but get it right and it is pure ejection city. It just makes me laugh. To me this is coaster perfection and still my favorite coaster I have ever ridden.

  • Brian Sheldon

    Fun Harnais Déception ! Inconfort

    On several sites online this is considered to be one of the worst coasters on the planet. I don't really understand that. Sure, it isn't at all what I would call smooth, but it isn't painful. The first drop delivers a nice pop of air. Then a couple of loops, followed by corkscrews. It finishes with a rather forceful (positive G) helix. Overall, it delivers a pretty decent ride. There are a couple of rough transitions--especially entering the first corkscrew, but it isn't nearly as bad some others I have ridden (Ninja at SF Georgia). I have ridden this as many as 10 times in a row without bruising or limping afterward, if that means anything to anyone. Nowhere near a great coaster, but also nowhere near the worst. More than a useful addition to the park. Fun and worth the ride.