• Hunter M.

    Primera caída Intensidad Ejectors Torta

    An awesome Intamin Giga-coaster, the only bad thing about it is the amount of headbanging, which is greatly helped with the soft strap restraints.

  • Hunter M.

    Intensidad Torta Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    They need to get rid of this thing as soon as possible, replace it and Nighthawk with a giant B&M Dive for all I care.

  • Coaster Du Parc Astérix

    Airtimes Primera caída

    Très bon travail de Gravity, cette nouvelle version est bien meilleure que l'ancienne. Les nouveaux trains Timberliner sont confortables. Le coaster offre de bons airtimes et une très bonne first drop. Le virage à 90 degrés est un très bon élément.

  • Alfie Bullen

    Lap Bar Launch Intensidad

    This ride is the best ride I’ve ever ridden in the world. From the moment you launch at the beginning to when you go through the inversion close to the water near to the end, Velocicoaster delivers. There is nothing else to be said. It is the perfect rollercoaster ?

  • Sébastien PROST

    Tematización Suavidad Hangtime Demasiado corto Arnés Confiabilidad

    Souvent en panne ce qui est rare pour un B&M. Trop court et trop doux pour moi, mais sympa pour ceux qui veulent du flottement et pas trop d'intensité. Au premier rang c'est toujours agréable et au dernier en fin de journée ça commence presque à être intense! Par contre des vestes sur un B&M pas utile et ça prive de liberté y'aurait fallut les mettre sur les Vekoma du parc!

  • Sébastien PROST

    Torta Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Ceux qui ont retracké cette honte mériteraient de l'enchainer a la journée! J'étais prévenu mais voulais voir par moi-même...j'ai vu! Fallait écouter les avis! Fait au dernier rang à droite, la plus grosse baffe jamais reçu dans un coaster! A ce niveau on peut parler de coup de massue! Mon oreille, mon crâne et ma nuque s'en rappelleront!

  • Daniel Stark

    Airtimes Velocidad Fun Capacidad

    GCI never disappoints. I love woodies, and this one was a lot of fun. The swiss area looks quite nice, although the ride itself isn't very themed. Specially the queue is horrendous: a huge, slowly moving cattle-pen (ops are a disaster, as usual in this park, and the trains are shorter than those of other GCIs) inside a plain wooden building, without any windows to have a look at the coaster. On sunny days, it gets unbearably hot in there. And this ride usually gets the longest line at the park, as it is family-friendly enough for many kids to ride, and thrilling enough for adults to enjoy. The drop surprised me, I expected less due to it being twisted rather than straight. At the back it's a lot of fun. And the rest of the coaster is a relentless sucession of quality floater pops, keeping an awesome pace all the way through.

  • Arthur Buttol

    Airtimes Suavidad Duración

    Chouette, bonnes décorations attractions agréable avec ni trop ni trop peu de sensation juste un peu à l'opposer de l'entrée

  • Alexandre M.

    sympa mais sans plus

  • Matthew Potter

    Airtimes Primera caída Intensidad Vibración Layout

    Really good first drop, and quite fast, but other than that it’s just a bunch of airtime hills and fast-paced turns, which provide moderate airtime (both ejector and floater). Quite rough on the wing, and extremely smooth on the inside. Amazing enough ride to make me get 3 rides back to back, but just needs a bit more to it. The queue is quite well themed, with the concept being that you’re on a failed space mission, and has some nice props of planets accompanied by different colours of lights, but it’s unnecessary how long the walk is - walked on 3 times and had to go through the entire queue, with the abundance of staircases being quite annoying, but all in all a great ride, and a solid 2nd/3rd at the park, potentially behind Abyssus.