• Drive Safely

    Primera caída Inversiones Arnés

    In my opinion, Raptor is the second best ride at Gardaland, overshadowed barely by Oblivion. It’s got a great first drop with surprisingly good airtime, and the inversions are all well-done, especially that final inline twist with great hangtime and headchoppers. However, the vest restraints are very restrictive, pushing down on your chest further and further down as the ride continues. Overall, Raptor isn’t amazing, but it’s a really fun and solid ride.

  • Drive Safely

    Primera caída Fun Demasiado corto

    Oblivion is the park’s headlining ride and it does its job pretty well. The drop is fantastic as always, and the rest of the layout gives an enjoyable experience, particularly that final roll. However, like most other rides of the same model, it’s short and leaves something to be desired.

  • Drive Safely

    Tematización Fun Duración

    Mammut’s a good mine train with some great rockwork and a long ride time, but it doesn’t do much in the way of forces. Ultimately, the ride offers a fun experience that’s not anything special.

  • Drive Safely

    Tematización Fun

    Pretty fun water ride with some really impressive theming and two good drops, but it doesn’t do a whole lot throughout its layout other than that.

  • Drive Safely

    Torta Arnés ¡Romper en pedazos!

    This ride is absolutely terrible and now I can see why everyone hates this model. It’s rough beyond belief, the restraints are awful, and overall it’s just a piece of garbage.

  • Thomas C.

    Situación ¡Decepción! Incomodidad Layout

    Un pétard mouillé. Théma correcte mais non aboutie. La tête du monstre est teop petite et risible. Les vibrations sont trop présentes et le layout, bien trop court

  • Samantha P.

    Tematización Launch Obra maestra Airtimes

    Finally got to ride Taron after years of waiting !! It did not disappoint ! And I think it might have even taken the spot of my top coaster!! :D I love it! The themeing, the layout, the speed, the comfort, and its pretty intense the way it throws you round some of the corners. I love a launch coaster, the 2nd launch is just perfect in my opinion. I love the twists and turns. the interaction with its own track, the near misses. Its perfect I love it. Its just missing a bit more airtime for me, but I still love it. Awsome awesome ! I wish I lived closer so I could ride it all the time !

  • Samantha P.

    Tematización Demasiado corto ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    I thought i would like this more than I did. it was my first time on a boomerang and I think I just don't like the backwards section.. i was expecting more from it tbh. I didn't really enjoy it. Nice interaction with Taron, but wasn't anything special.

  • Samantha P.

    Fun Duración Incomodidad

    We rode this in the front, which wouldn't have been my choice, I would have liked to give it a go in the back ! But being in the front meant we were really waiting over the drops for the rest of the train and then got pushed over.. it meant for a weird type of airtime or at least out of seat time.. pushed up against the restraint wasn't very comfortable but was quite funny. Length is nice and the pace is fun. Wasn't expecting the dark sections!

  • Samantha P.

    Tematización Situación Suavidad Torta

    You can't usually go wrong with a B&M invert for me so I of course enjoyed this :) Pretty smooth as with all B&M's, the theming was pretty impressive and the rockwork all around the coaster is kind of crazy.. its a bit mad that there is a coaster with 4 inversions in that location, you can hardly see where the track goes ! the loop is fun as are the other inversions.. the near misses with the surrounding rock work really make it.