• Kevin Gordon

    One of my top wood coasters! Pacing and speed are incredible, you feel every bit of the force of the ride. Station fly by is awesome, great laterals, quick operations.

  • Samantha P.


    I kept the Vr on for the first section of the ride then took it off. I don’t like VR on coasters .. although it was perhaps the best I’ve seen as they sort of lay out the track in the VR film so it does at least match with what’s happening on the coaster. All in the dark, zero themeing and so strange that No one was making any noise it was so quiet ! I didn’t find it too uncomfortable though so overall not terrible.

  • Ivan M.

    Inversiones Layout Duración Incomodidad

    I'm probably going overboard in giving this ride a 9/10 but it's mostly out of appreciation for making the most out of a lot of bad things. It has the standard Six Flags DC superhero theming, but the surrounding environment is actually pretty nice with lots of foliage and the station music is an absolute bop. It's a stand-up coaster, but it's easily the best of them all, it's butter smooth, it has a long layout and unique, forceful elements with good pacing to boot. Jesus Christ, Stand-Ups were NOT meant to be this good. Also, here's a tip for men: Don't rest your entire body weight on your balls and blame the ride for making you infertile. Simply lay them on top of the bicycle seat, make sure your feet are touching the ground with some room to bend your knees and you'll be fine. It's not ideal to be standing but there are ways to make it bearable.

  • Ivan M.

    Primera caída Situación Ejectors Demasiado corto Tiempo muerto

    I probably rode this thing about 10 times. It has some of the best moments of airtime in the world and the quarry is a great setting, but halfway through it slows to a crawl and it ends before it can make up for the lost time.

  • Ivan M.

    Intensidad Suavidad ¡Decepción! Tiempo muerto Layout

    A 6/10 is too harsh but this ride carries the pretense of being so many things that it's not. There's practically no airtime and most of the layout is pointless meandering or shallow drops. The helix at the end is definitely the best part but I didn't even gray out on it despite it being so long. Overall, a disappointment.

  • Ivan M.

    Situación Fun Vibración Arnés Tiempo muerto

    I want to like this ride a lot but it's kind of rough and it doesn't make very good use of the suspended cars, IMO. At least there are a lot of trees and some theming to make this ride more interesting. I'm glad it's still around but I just wish it did more. Also, the restraints are unnecessary and uncomfortable.

  • Ivan M.

    Inversiones Vibración ¡Decepción! Sin interés

    On its own Scream is a good ride, but it just feels so pointless in a park that has so many other rides like it, and it's the least interesting of all of them. There's nothing technically wrong with it aside from a noticeable rattle, but it says nothing interesting, does nothing interesting and it just makes me wish I were anywhere other than a giant concrete slab next to a disgusting, sprawling parking lot. Twisted Colossus is also a parking lot coaster but at least it's interesting enough to help me forget that. This coaster just reminds me of everything bad about B&M's cookie-cutter floorless layouts. It's just so BORING.

  • Ivan M.

    Airtimes Launch Fun Demasiado corto Arnés

    I'm not sure how to judge this ride. It's only 20 seconds long with a layout so simple that it feels wrong to praise it for the very sustained airtime, but I can appreciate the technical marvel this thing is and just how unique it is. Despite not being intense, with a very weak launch and no notable forces, it's still an extremely intimidating, deafeningly loud coaster and the drop tower attached to it just adds to the insanity. It has a weak launch, technically speaking, but something about slowly gaining more and more speed over 7 seconds is so compelling that I can kind of appreciate the lack of strong forces. I still can't believe that it exists and is still running after 25 years.

  • Ivan M.

    Layout Ejectors Duración Confiabilidad

    I only got one ride on this thing and it was not a dueling ride, but it's still my favorite RMC. It's a very long ride with a great mix of elements, including several moments of strong ejector airtime and laterals. It doesn't always duel and I wish the ride were programmed and set up better so that it could duel every time (I wouldn't mind the downtime) but the rest of the ride more than makes up for it. 10/10

  • Ivan M.

    Inversiones Intensidad Torta Incomodidad

    I haven't ridden this in years but I've noticed that it's had a resurgence in popularity in the coaster community and I'll certainly be sad when this thing gets scrapped. As the last of the Arrow mega-loopers that's still standing, it represents an era of coaster design that we'll never get to experience again, where you could get away with not heartlining your track on a nearly 200-foot-tall looping coaster. Most of what I remember about this coaster is the roughness but I'm will try to ride it again this summer with a fresh point of view and a newfound appreciation for what it means to the community and rollercoaster history.