• Milan Mastbergen

    Harnais Fluidité Trop court

    Makes me sick, not worth it.

  • Milan Mastbergen

    Launch Fun Longueur Vibrations Baffes Inconfort

    Hurt my neck after a surprising turn, the ride had alot of left into right turns which arent very comfortable.

  • Matthew Corbett

    Théma Confort Fun Harnais

    While the coaster itself is solid, the theming is what really elevates the experience here. It’s incredibly impressive for a six flags coaster, with a fully fledged story and not one but two preshows that are actually pretty good. The 95 degree drop does somehow actually make a difference, and the layout is the best of the b&m mini dive’s that I have ridden. The ride is fun, forceful, and has quite a few moments of airtime. It’s just a shame about the vest restraints. Overall though, it’s a great ride. Theming - 6.5/10

  • Matthew Corbett

    Airtimes Situation Ejectors Trop court

    The location is stunning, the theming is cute, and the first drop is one of the best drops RMC has ever devised. However, the ride ends far to early, and needed an extra few hundred feet of track. It also by 2023 falls somewhere in the middle of the RMC pack just because they have since devised better layouts. Still, Iron Rattler is absolutely fantastic! Theming 3/10

  • GLaDOS

    First Drop Inversions Chef d'oeuvre

    This is no doubt my new #1 coaster. It is out of this world! It's so uniquely insane and intense! I was seated in row 1 and the view over there was really freaky. I love coasters that have lots of airtime and snappy transitions like Toutatis but this was something else. An absolute masterpiece!

  • Sean R.

    Théma Launch Hangtime

    I have ridden this coaster 3x in my life...once in March of 2022 and twice on the same day in May 2023 - with one of the rides on my latest visit finding me in the front seat, and ultimately delivering my #1 all-time coaster ride. Said simply, this is a perfect roller coaster. Everything about it is amazing. The theming is "Hollywood-quality Jurassic Park" with some nice celebrity cameos and amazing (seemingly) real-life raptors that help make any wait time go by quickly. The ride itself is just bananas! From the first launch to the last barrel roll over the water, this ride delivers. The second launch into a climb and zero-G stall (something I didn't know existed until I experienced it on this ride) is the apex moment of all my roller coaster experiences. I love this ride...I can't wait for my daughter to get a little bigger and braver so we can go on it together.

  • Carrie C.

    Inversions Situation


  • Carrie C.
  • Trim Brakes 06

    Lap Bar Vitesse Fluidité Débit

    This is a great family coaster. It's not too intense, but it's not boring either. I love the open train design, and the first overbank was really fun. My one main issue is the fact that this coaster can only run one train, which leads to some very long lines.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Situation Vitesse Intensité Trop court Harnais

    My biggest problem with this ride was that it was extremely short. Thankfully the ride never had more than a 10 minute wait, so it didn't feel like a waist of time. However, a ride that's less than 30 seconds from drop to brakes is going to feel a little incomplete no matter what. My other complaint is that arrow trains aren't very accommodating , especially when your on a wheel seat. Besides those two complaints however, this ride is fantastic. The pacing is relentless. The sense of speed is amazing, especially when you're going past all of the trees. The individual elements are also very strong. The drop going into the tunnel is super unique, and gives good floater in the back. The first loop gives great sustained positives going into and out of it, as well as a bit of hangtime at the top. The overbank is has some decent laterals, and the following loop and sidewinder give the best moment of positives in the park. This moment was basically a guarantied grey-out for me. The following turn feels similar to the first overbank just a bit more intense and faster paced. You then end the ride with an ejector pop into the brake run. It is a rather short layout but it manages to pack a lot into a small space. I also appreciate the fact that despite this being an intense arrow looper it's relatively smooth with little to no headbanging. This is a strong number three in the park for me, despite a couple of flaws.