Reseñas de montañas rusas
Situación Comodidad Fun Capacidad Tiempo muerto
This awesome terrain coaster is by far the best ride at the park, and with it being a comfortable and relaxing ride it is perfect for families. The biggest con is the capacity, with it having only 1 train and mostly being operated by only 1 staff member who checks every restraint and assigns seats before boarding.
Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Suavidad Demasiado corto Capacidad
Short but sweet coaster that is fun for the whole family! Located in a wonderfully themed area. Something you would not expect from a park like this!
Comodidad Demasiado corto ¡Romper en pedazos!
Le Tigre de Sibérie est un assez bon coaster pour les enfants d'environ moins de 10 ans. Mais il est trop court et n'offre pas beaucoup de sensations... ils devraient le remplacer avec un coaster plus long avec de bonnes premières sensations pour les enfants.
As Tornado it was hot garbage and I labeled it as "Tear it down!" While they did not do that they succeded in making it not terrible, now it's just kinda there and it's actually kinda fun. 3.6 not great not terrible
Velocidad Intensidad Layout Torta
Le meilleur coaster que j'ai essayé pour l'instant, on ne s'ennuye pas une seconde. Mais de temps en temps, les tours sont si violents qu'on aurait dit qu'on s'était déboité le dos ?
Primera caída ¡Buena sorpresa! Situación Vibración Arnés Incomodidad
Ce coaster à une très mauvaise réputation mais franchement, je le trouve pas mal, alors oui, les transitions sont mauvaises, les harnais sont désagréables et il y a des vibrations, mais niveau sensation, c'est tout autre chose, les drops sont très sensationnelles et m'ont soulevées du siège, certains airtimes sont bons et les inversions sont assez intense par moment, si en plus on prend en compte la situation de ce coaster dans l'hôtel, que je trouve bien intégré avec de bonnes interactions avec le décor. Alors oui, ce coaster à ses défauts, mais tout n'est pas à jeter loin de là
Airtimes Tematización Intensidad
Fenix has to be one the best themed coasters in The Netherlands, if not the best in my opinion. The queue is gorgeous and IMAscore did an amazing job with the soundtrack. Train design is also beautiful. The ride itself is amazing: Fenix is very smooth, offers some nice sustained floater airtime and that helix pulls some powerful positives, often giving me a grey-out. The zero-G roll gives some nice laterals. I really can't get enough of this ride, always love riding it a few times during my Toverland visits.
Velocidad Intensidad Suavidad
Holy shit, this ride is insane! Wasn't impressed after my first ride on it (which was towards the front of the train in the morning), but towards the evening I got a second ride which was on backrow. And oh my god, it was HAULING. Wodans pacing is perfect, the train doesn't lose any speed throughout the layout. And this ride feels fast. Very fast. The quick transitions caught me off-guard and it felt like I was thrown around like a ragdoll, I love it when coasters try to throw me out of the train. The ride is also butter smooth, most woodies have a bit of a rattle to them but Wodan does not. This is currently my favorite wooden coaster, GCI did an amazing job with this one!
Intensidad Layout
Troy is a relentless ride from start to finish. Just pure action. There are some fast transitions throughout the layout which make it quite the intense ride. There are some spots where the train loses a little speed (I think Wodans pacing is better), but overall Troy is an incredible woodie that always delivers a great ride.
Inversiones Situación Velocidad
This ride is such a well paced ride. From the first drop out of the station until you slam into the brakes this ride is magnificent. Its interactions with other rides and the way it is placed around the mountain makes it truely a special ride. I don't mind that the launches aren't that intense. the slow pace you get through the inverted top hat is such a unique experience that I don't mind that. one of europe's finest