• Wilfred Fong

    Airtimes Fun Ejectors

    This coaster in Energylandia is good. I get the love for this coaster, but I have to say that this coaster is overrated. I don’t think that this coaster deserves all the love it got. Still, this coaster is a world-class coaster and I like it so much.

  • Wilfred Fong

    Théma Launch Chef d'oeuvre

    This is the best roller coaster in the world. This ride has lots of theming, which is what Steel Vengeance is lacking. For example, the animatronics, and the rockwork are so detailed. The launches are very punchy, then adding the top hat, then ending with the legendary mosasaurus roll, which is one of the best inversions in the world. One word-PERFECT!

  • Wilfred Fong

    Airtimes First Drop Longueur Théma

    This roller coaster is the best RMC ever. It is a very long ride, with pops of ejector airtime all over the ride. It has one of the best first drops in the world. But I think that this coaster gets a little praised too much. Also, there’s one thing that this coaster is lacking, THEMING!

  • Jn L.

    Inversions Intensité Layout Baffes

    sadly, you have to lean into turns every time to enjoy this ride. some of the seats on this thing have a HORRIBLE rattle but it's a fantastic ride if you don't get a migraine

  • Nemesis Reborn4152

    Airtimes First Drop Layout Fiabilité

    I really like TH13TEEN, it's such a good ride and it doesn't deserve the hate that some people give it. The first drop, despite (trigger warning) having that trim brake in the middle, is actually the best part of the ride in my opinion. The S-bends before the (spoiler warning) freefall drop tracks are really fun and the drop tracks itself is intimidating the first time you ride, but after that it is quite fun. It is usually closed for the first half half an hour to 2 hours of the day which is very annoying for people like me who want to start their day on this ride. Apart from that, it's brilliant!

  • Nemesis Reborn4152

    Situation Vitesse Fun Lap Bar

    Storm chaser is a really fun, family thrill spinning coaster. The low-to-the-ground helixes are fun and the first drop takes you by surprise. It's cool how the first turn goes over the Tornado Springs sign. The lap bar does dig into you on the S-bends, which can cause mild stomach discomfort but apart from that, it's really good!

  • Nemesis Reborn4152

    Théma Vibrations Trop court Layout

    It's just a tiny kids coaster. I like the way they incorporated the old Flying Frog into this and you do get a tiny bit of airtime, but it's a bit rough and I feel like the layout should do a bit more.

  • Mitch H

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Longueur

    Totally underrated coaster. The VR is adorable and provides a very comfortable experience.

  • Mitch H

    Théma Chef d'oeuvre Longueur

    Unbelievable! Lived up to expectations in every way. Truly feels like less a roller coaster and more that you’re flying around one of the most intricately themed worlds on a high power jet pack. Indescribable feelings during the airtimes and inversions. Top 5 coaster for sure.

  • Mitch H

    Launch Layout Ejectors Vibrations Inconfort

    Really had hoped to love it but the rattle on all 4 of my rides was just too strong to enjoy given the insane intensity of most of the elements.