• LolUrDad !

    Situation Vitesse Fun Temps mort

    The only reason I love this ride is because of its sense of speed. I don’t really mind for the back row on this, although it does give the drop airtime. I just love a good front row ride on this. The sense of speed is unmatched. There’s nothing like zooming past trees at like 90 mph for what feels like the entire ride. And it does give some surprising airtime. As I mentioned, the first drop in the back. The first hill gives a little floater. The second gives strong floater. And the speed hill gives ejector. And my god, that first overbank makes me grey out so hard every time. I do think the middle of the layout is lacking in forces, but it is still super fun to have the wind in your face. Such an underrated ride.

  • LolUrDad !

    Airtimes First Drop Fluidité Déception !

    I’m only deeming this disappointing because of the dueling. It was a great idea, and I love going around twice, but it just never duels. I haven’t gotten even a half duel on this ride, so I guess I haven’t fully experienced this ride. I mean, it’s still an amazing ride beyond that. The airtime in the first half is amazing, and I love experiencing that insane first drop twice without getting out of my seat. And also, not even just airtime, but this ride has amazing laterals, most notably on the green double down that gives ejector while slamming you into both sides of your seat. The inversions are also great. I just think that this ride should just try to duel at least almost every time to make park guests satisfied.

  • LolUrDad !

    Layout Ejectors Longueur Lap Bar

    This ride is so much fun. The front row rides are almost matched by millennium force for my favorite sense of speed. And trust me, I love a good sense of speed. This is a really long ride, too, along with having a perfect layout. The out and back first half and the twister second half is the greatest combination of negatives and positives in one ride. And the airtime on this ride would be so good if not for the lap bar. But even then, the airtime is still pretty good. And the positives in the second half is really good. Such a fun ride.

  • LolUrDad !

    First Drop Intensité Ejectors Vibrations Trop court

    This ride is just insane. That first drop is just so bonkers, especially in the back. Each element is executed flawlessly, maybe a little too flawlessly with how powerful those camelbacks are. The stengel dive, twisted camelback and powerful airtime moments try to rip you in half. And yes, I don’t mind the lap bars. I just really love this ride for how insane it is. If you want the best experience, ride the back row, left wing seat. Truly a crazy ride.

  • LolUrDad !

    Airtimes Fluidité Longueur Temps mort

    This ride’s a fantastic ride that is the perfect fit for it’s park. It is a really, really good ride. The airtime is really strong. And this isn’t something I can say about a lot of RMCs, but I don’t get stapled easily on this ride. Even on the brakerun I don’t feel the lap bar pushing down on my legs unlike a vast majority of the other RMCs I’ve done. But the ejector is really strong on this ride. The drop, off-axis speed hill, AMAZING double down, camelback, the little bunny hills in the layout, and the strongest moment, the outerbank. It’s also a very smooth ride. I don’t even think the pacing is that bad. It honestly helps with the inversions for crazy hangtime. The only thing I have to say is that those little turn things don’t do a whole lot for me, but even so, it is still an amazing ride for me. Definitely one of the better RMCs.

  • LolUrDad !

    Airtimes Vitesse Intensité

    This is the most intense ride on the planet. If you’re scared of heavy positive g-forces, this isn’t the ride for you. But what makes this ride so intense isn’t just the positives. It’s the fact that it features every single g-force. And every moment of which is very hard core mainly for the speed they’re taken at. Positives? The first turn will make you intensely grey out, or even black out. Negatives? That first drop in the back is so sustained and powerful. That first camelback is really underrated for how strong and sustained it is too. And even those snaps gives pops. Those last two hills would be powerful if the trim didn’t hit as hard. And finally, laterals. Just those crazy snaps. It throws you to the side with so much force it’s crazy. And if you love a great sense of speed, you’ll also love this ride. It’s just an insane ride that I still can’t believe exists.

  • LolUrDad !

    Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité Ejectors

    Airtime. That’s all I have to say. The triple camelback, the little bunny hills spread throughout the layout, the trick-track double up, the off-axis hills, airtime. And I love it for that.

  • LolUrDad !

    Airtimes Vitesse Intensité

    Although I think Steel Vengeance is better, Maverick was the surprise hit of my Cedar Point adventure. I came off absolutely shook. I am still in shock. I can’t believe that a ride that small and that compact can be so insane. That first drop in the back row and camelback give absolutely wild ejector, more powerful than anything on SteVe. And that’s not all the airtime. Those snaps give pops. The s-bend that replaced the roll gives floater. And those stengel dives are just insane in general. Those snaps into and out of them with insane laterals and negatives make them some of the most crazy elements out there. And I forgot to mention the world’s greatest LSM launch. You can’t beat the feeling of just entering this tunnel with a bunch of lights flickering, slowing down a bit, hearing this dinging noise and BOOM! You’re just launched off so quickly and crazily. And that’s not all. The sharp turn right after is just insane taken at 70 mph, especially at night when you can’t see it coming. I just can’t get enough of this ride. I’d wait the average two hours this ride gets to get on it.

  • LolUrDad !

    Airtimes Théma Confort

    I think this is the most perfect roller coaster on Planet Earth. This ride is the full package. Everything you want on a coaster and more. Although I do love Steel Vengeance and Iron Gwazi more (because of their layouts/execution) this is still my #3 for how perfect it is. The theming for this ride is (I think) the best themed EXTREME roller coaster on the planet. People always flack on the first half for being too “slow” and can’t respect how well themed it is. And I still love the first half besides the theming. Still great airtime, whip and laterals. But the theming is just wow. And that second half just makes this ride go to another level. The second half does take away all the theming, but compensates for an amazing (and picturesque) ride diving over and under pathways and hanging over the water. That launch, top hat, twister section and mosasaurus roll are just so great. Truly fantastic. Flawless. I love this ride. Amazing job Universal.

  • LolUrDad !

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Longueur

    Where can I even begin with this ride. Truly a masterpiece from start to finish. Before you even start going up you get a teeny bit of floater. And after that it’s all ejector. I still say that the top hat and outerbank are the two best back-to-back elements on the planet. All the inversions are insane. And the airtime. So much, it’s almost too hard to take. I love the first half for how sustained it is, but the second half for how disorienting it is diving through the structure, and wow that finale. I can’t find a single negative thing to say about this ride. It’s truly perfect.