• M P

    Tematización Comodidad Suavidad Sin interés Layout

    I forgot I even rode this. Its not a bad ride but i doesnt have any intense moments, just a relaxed ride through the jusngle is how I remember it.

  • M P

    Tematización Fun Layout

    This was my first ever coaster. My parents convinced me it was a train ride but I enjoyed this, At the time I hated it buut I wish I can go back now that im an enthusiast aand ride it again.

  • M P


    I rode this years ago, hard to remember much but I liked it. I rode back seat and it was sort of intense for a kiddie coaster. recomend for all the kids

  • M P

    I dont really remember much about this coaster but what I do remember is that it was my second ever coaster, I enjoyed riding this multiple times but that was because i didnt ride anything else. Not bad not great just good

  • M P

    Primera caída Inversiones Velocidad Torta

    This ride is awsome. One of best arrow loopers, First drop in the back seat is literally out of this world. The batwing is pretty bad but if you can get over the headbang then its a great coaster. 3rd best ride in the park

  • M P

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch Demasiado corto Intensidad

    Suprisingly powerful launch was the best part, The brakes are too strong

  • M P

    Arnés Suavidad Sin interés Tiempo muerto

    Wasnt bad just wasnt good kids love it

  • M P

    Primera caída Inversiones Situación Torta ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    First ever vekoma slc and I rode it with its new trains. Was not as bad as I thought it was going to be, just get over the headbanging and has some nice leg chopper moments and its kind of intense

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Inversiones Fun Suavidad Tiempo muerto

    Pretty fun looper with some time positives and hangtime but pretty short and basic.

  • InfiniteGaming Studios

    Fun Intensidad Hangtime Arnés Incomodidad

    It’s an absolutely incredible ride that is way to overheated but I guess that means less of a wait for me!