• Sean R.

    Airtimes Primera caída Fun

    A steady as-they-go B&M hyper that lands somewhere between enjoyable and excitable...but not on the same level as Leviathan across the park, which probably hurts it's standing amongst riders. Add in that it's a bit all-too-familiar to other B&M hypers and lacks a truly defining moment or element and you get something that is really good, not great.. Zipping along the water was pretty cool and there's nothing bad about this ride...but it’s a distant #2 or #3 in the park from my view.

  • Sean R.

    A pretty underwhelming looping arrow…cool statue out front is about all the good I could find on this one.

  • Sean R.

    Somehow this was even worse than mine buster…I felt like I was in a car accident after riding this…sore everywhere. Just awful…

  • Sean R.

    Awful ride, extremely rough, uncomfortable, and the helix at the end made me nauseous.

  • Sean R.

    Situación ¡Decepción!

    I’ve always wanted to like arrow suspended coasters more than I actually have. The Big Bad Wolf was my first and despite the hype and nostalgia, it never did it for me. Vortex is an old version without hype or nostalgia…I found it clunky and forceless. I think the two 6 year olds in front of me loved it…so it’s worth keeping around for that reason alone…but it was pretty pointless otherwise.

  • Nick V.

    Airtimes Primera caída Intensidad Vibración Tiempo muerto

    I'll start with negatives - when I rode for the first time in 2023 the turnaround was brutally rough. I can take a bit of wooden coaster shuffle, this was far worse than that. The return track and speed hill did nothing and felt like straight track. Other than that, absolute masterpiece. The first drop, camelbacks, and Rolling Thunder hill are quite possibly the best airtime moments on the planet. The switchbacks are awesome and don't get talked about enough. The star of Great Adventure and one that I hope sticks around for a long long time.

  • Scott van der Roest

    Tematización Layout Duración

    The first drop of Raptor is really good. The inversions are quite forceful and there is some good airtime on this coaster. The layout feels really long for a wing coaster with some beautiful theming. I personally preferred the right side over the left side and fore me is the front row the best row, because of the views from the lifthill and the theming which has some near misses.

  • Eric Esty

    Tematización Situación Fun Incomodidad

    Though not that comfortable, it's a well paced and well themed mine train with a cool setting and ending.

  • Eric Esty

    Inversiones Layout Vibración ¡Decepción! Intensidad

    Banshee is my least favorite invert. It has no whip in its inversions, and the moments of intensity are ruined by stange jackhammering that I've never experienced on any other invert. The beautiful paint, theming, and layout make this such a shame.

  • Nick V.

    Primera caída Intensidad Ejectors Lap Bar

    I have not yet ridden this with the redone restraints and am eager to try it, but even with the old restraints this is near the top for me. My favorite first drop ever - that kink in the drop halfway down in the back row is magical. Crushing positives in the turns. Unreal ejector on the speed hills. And the Stengel dives are one of the few elements that still scare me, with those minimalist restraints your upper body gets chucked sideways unlike anything I've ever experienced. Its uniqueness and intensity keep me coming back. We will never see another coaster like it, and I thank Hershey for building it.