• Clément L.

    Tematización Fun Obra maestra

    F.L.Y. est la première attraction que je pourrais qualifier d'œuvre d'art. Vous avez un autre nom pour parler de cet attraction ? De la file d'attente à la station, du launch aux freins finaux, F.L.Y. est parfait de bout en bout. On ne sait jamais où le lay-out va aller, on ne voit pas le rail et on a jamais l'impression d'être sur un coaster. C'est juste fou ! Il faut le vivre pour le comprendre.

  • Mike

    Inversiones Launch Intensidad Confiabilidad

    This ride is so damn good. I had an absolute blast on it with my dad. I’ll give it a 10 out of 10! My #2 overall considering I only have 31 credits.

  • Semina S.

    Primera caída Lap Bar Fun Tematización Capacidad

    A great classic. It is great, bumpy fun and it is actually crazy how this ride is so good even though it is so rough. You will be laughing all the way through it’s strange but fun layout and get thrown side to side throughout it which is great. It is a weird hyper coaster which focuses more on lateral forces than airtime which is why some might not like it but I’m all for it! It’s quite a unique experience for Europe and more people should ride it for what it is.p instead of expecting insane airtimes (which isn’t really that bad at all e.g. the mid course gives good air) and that drop is one of the best out there! Shame it only runs one train though.

  • 手取Fishland



  • Solar Winds

    Airtimes Suavidad Layout

    A great addition to Hersheypark. It's emphasis on floater complements Skyrush's focus on ejector. It's extremely smooth and has a great first drop. My favorite elements are the wave turn and the bank around the fountain.

  • Lorraine et Renaud

    Fun Duración

    Great coaster with many inversions and pretty smooth, a bit of vibration but for a 25 yo boy, it’s quite acceptable

  • Lorraine et Renaud

    Primera caída Obra maestra Suavidad

    Lovely ride, super smooth, great sensations

  • Lorraine et Renaud

    Launch Vibración ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    Very painful attraction, extremely disappointing, can’t believe a ride that is not even 10yo can be that badly built…

  • Controversial Coasters

    Airtimes Comodidad Duración

    I’m honestly so surprised how good this ride really is. I’ve heard the hype for years, but I wasn’t so sure until I finally got around to riding it. A true masterpiece of a Coaster, 100% B&M’s finest.

  • Controversial Coasters

    Airtimes Intensidad

    Forever the most intense coaster on Earth. A true masterpiece that is only held back in my rankings by the coasters ahead focusing more on airtime.