Intensidad Torta

    It's a very intense B&M invert and having OTSRs naturally it has headbanging, but the headbanging isn't that bad


    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun

    This ride is definitely cracked. It has some phenomenal sustained floater airtime and the first drop is one of the best first drops I've experienced. I think it deserves the praise it's gotten, even though it's not the world's greatest.


    Fun Duración

    Solid family coaster. That's it, it's a solid family coaster.


    Intensidad Layout Torta

    pretty good ride, pretty intense, but the headbanging is cringe asf


    Lap Bar Intensidad Demasiado corto

    This ride is really intense and really fun, but it's like 25% of a ride. Length is its main issue.


    Inversiones Fun Intensidad

    This ride is really, really good. Everything about it is great. I wish a clone of this would be installed at my home park, because this was an excellent choice of a ride to clone even if it was a terrain coaster.


    Airtimes Comodidad Suavidad Layout

    This is the only B&M hyper I've ridden so far, but it appears to be the worst of them all due to its twister layout. I don't really care about the twister layout, but it is worse than if they did an out and back layout or outer-banked every large turn so it gives airtime. Oh yeah, something that doesn't affect the ride experience: hot damn this thing is ugly


    Inversiones Intensidad

    This was my first wing coaster, and damn what a great introduction to this model. wing coasters pull some great forces. It's not as good as gatekeeper but I loved this ride when I got on.


    Airtimes Launch Capacidad

    standard impulse coaster, one thing I would add if I could would be repetition. the concept of an impulse coaster is pretty repetitive. but the 2 spikes on this ride are pretty good so I don't care that it's repetitive


    Airtimes Inversiones Demasiado corto

    This ride is really damn good during its short layout, but that short layout is the main problem with it. This would probably get a lot more praise if it just did 1 more lap around the ride. That zero-g stall and dive loop were both wicked elements and it's a shame they're on something so short.