• Jack Jack J.

    Primera caída Lap Bar Hangtime Capacidad

    A ride that is better then expected. Very smooth and quiet ride but is a great ride experience. The first drop is great and the rest of the layout is super whippy and the last inversion has great hangtime. I like these trains but they are not good for capacity sadly.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Arnés Intensidad Layout Vibración

    This was much better then I remembered. It definitely is shaky and rattly but the restraints keep it from head banging. The layout is super compact which allows for some insane near misses. Pretty good.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Velocidad Intensidad

    Hands down the best Batman there is. It runs so much faster then it showed. We measured the forces and timed the ride last time we rode. It was running 6-7 seconds faster then the POVs and was pulling 5.7 Gs. The whole thing is so much more forceful then the others to the point where your feet hurt because of all the blood rushing to them. The second half is ridiculous.

  • alfiste 77

    Tematización Launch Fun Capacidad Tiempo muerto

    Sympathique malgré que le ride n'est pas trop d'intérêt, il plaira au plus jeunes et c'est le principal pour le parc, la théma est magnifique et le pre-show est très bon, bref une réussite pour Vulcania

  • Matheo Veroux

    Situación Torta Arnés ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Bon, moi qui ne m'attendais pas à trouver pire que goudurix de si peu fallait que le parc installe gotham, autant dire qu'il fait passer goudurix pour un nullos à côtés. Le coaster est beau et sa situation est sympa par contre bordel c'est de la grosse grosse merde les mots ne sont même pas assez fort, rien ne vas mais alors rien ça vibre, sans compter les baffes parce-que à part la first drop qui passe bien le reste c'est une calamité les transitions sont toutes plus foireuses les unes que les autres seul élément cool et encore je me suis pris une baffe aussi c'est les loops qui sont tout de même bien intense bref passez votre chemin, autant il lui aura fallut quelque seconde pour détrôner goudurix de pire coaster dans mon classement autant lui va falloir du temps pour le détrôner.

  • David Gordon

    Airtimes Launch Intensidad Intensidad

    This ride is really good for some and not so fun for others. It is really intense, which I personally find fun, however others may not like its intensity, which is why I put intensity as a con as well as a pro.


    Airtimes Inversiones Suavidad

    I generally like wing coasters, and this is no exception, it pulls some serious forces and the hangtime and airtime is really good. Fun ride



    This isn't particularly intense or a masterpiece, but it's a good transitioning roller coaster with fun drops and airtime and whatnot, just pretty solid


    Airtimes Inversiones Arnés

    I don't have much of an issue with the vest restraint, but the titty mauler seems to be designed to hurt tall people and people with large boobs. Vest restraints press against my chest and I'm not even tall. That said, the ride itself has some good floater airtime and good inversions


    Intensidad Torta

    It's a very intense B&M invert and having OTSRs naturally it has headbanging, but the headbanging isn't that bad