• Dan Getliffe


    A very decent little coaster, surprisngly intense on the last sections. Only goes round once which was disappointing however.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Capacidad Tiempo muerto

    Dreadful operations and a nothing kids coaster. I think the other three kids coasters are better than this one, even though it’s the biggest! Good views at night though.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Capacidad Vibración Demasiado corto

    It’s a bit random for Southend, but I’m glad it’s there. Nothing much to get too excited about, but it’s great having a big ride in such a small park next to the beach! Practically a walk on even at peak times which is awesome! Update: Wow this was rough as hell, seems to have gotten worse. Also think it’s too short!

  • Couch Potato

    ¡Decepción! Incomodidad Sin interés

    Not fun! I thought it was going to be a good ride and i went up the chainlift but when we got to those sharp turns, i felt like i was going to fly out of the coaster or it was going to derail! I felt sick to my stomach after this ride!

  • Couch Potato

    Comodidad Fun Layout Tiempo muerto

    It was overall pretty fun for a spinning coaster, but i wouldn't go out of my way to ride it. I got some pretty good spins but there were a few spots that didn't have much point.

  • Couch Potato

    Intensidad Torta Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    I was really excited to ride this with my cousin this year and the park was 30 seconds away from closing. We sprinted as fast as we could to the Flashback cuz it was our first boomerang coaster and we really wanted to try it. There was like 5 other ppl there cuz the park was closed but we made it in last second. We got in the train and waited for like 15 minutes just for them to lock the harnesses, and they are completely made of hard plastic. No padding on the headrest.. The harnesses were like 3 feet away from us so it felt like we were going to slip out. The ride started and it started going backwards up the hill. We were already starting to feel the rattles and i knew we had made a huge mistake. It dropped and it started deliberately BANGING me head back and forth into those solid, hard plastic vest harnesses. When the ride was over i had a huge headache and felt sick.

  • Couch Potato

    Inversiones ¡Buena sorpresa! Intensidad

    Since i get headaches easily of rollercoasters, my first time riding this i thought it was going to give me a bad headache but when i rode it i thought it was really nice. This is my 3rd favorite ride.

  • Couch Potato

    Inversiones Fun Suavidad

    This ride was really fun and it's my second favorite ride of all time!

  • Couch Potato

    Primera caída Fun Obra maestra

    Superman is my absolute favorite coaster of all time. It has an amazing drop, the lap bar is perfectly comfortable, and overall it is a MASTERPIECE. Yall need to ride this ASAP cuz its the best coaster i have been on.

  • Couch Potato

    Airtimes Comodidad Fun Demasiado corto

    It was overall a really fun ride, with airtimes and the harness was really comfortable. If you like big drops and smooth coasters, this is the ride for you.