• Carter S.

    Tematización Inversiones Velocidad Torta

    every moment from the first launch to the end is well paced, the brake run of course could be done without, but it doesn't ruin the sheer intensity of this ride. all seven inversions pack a punch and rolling straight into a zero-g roll after the launch is amazing. the only main problem with the over-shoulder restraints is the small part on the cobra roll where you are banged from side to side. there's no way to avoid this, but it is less rattly in the front rows. i got a front evening ride on this and it was amazing.

  • Carter S.

    Situación Fun Suavidad Arnés

    Cheetah Hunt was my first 'extreme' coaster, and my second one with an inversion, beside Scorpion also at this park. all three launches are decent. the pace is very good except for the brake run near the end. the crow's nest gives amazing views of the park, especially since the train is moving slow. trenches fun and overall a good ride to crossover from family coasters to the more extreme rides

  • RikFTK

    Vibración Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    When I first rode this a few years ago, I didn't think it was as bad as everybody said. Maybe I rode a none wheel seat back then, because today, I fully understand it's reputation. You can see the train violently shaking side to side during the ride. Not a fan of RMC personally, but if any ride deserves a visit by them, it's this one. Never going to happen tho. Since queues are always the longest in the park, MPG is not going to do anything about this, the general public will ride this hellhole regardless

  • RikFTK

    Arnés Layout Hangtime Vibración Tematización Launch

    Man, this coaster aged poorly. I absolutely loved it when I first rode it a few years back. Today I came off disappointed. A pretty violent rattle, especially near the front and the launches seem to have lost all of their punch. They skip the pre show with Geordy LaForge on the Enterprice bridge now, so that cheap looking but ok bit of theming goes unused (I know a lot of people prefet it without, but I love a good preshow). The light effects on the Borg Cube head chopper weren't working. Still a fun ride, but it used to be so much better.

  • TwanTastic

    Sin interés

    Well the only positive thing about this piece of garbage is the theming, although everything is made of plastic. I don't see the added value of this ride for Julianatoren...

  • RikFTK

    Suavidad Demasiado corto ¡Decepción! Tiempo muerto

    I really don't get the high ratimgs here. This is a poor kids coaster disguised as a very poor dark ride. The theming is literally just bunch of old junk they had lying around from previous attractions and IP''s they lost when Warner Bros left. The coaster is too short and the stopping and starting doesn't do the experience any good. Only the storm scene at the beginning with the backwards launch is sort of fun. I had heard good things, but left seriously disappointed.

  • Nathan j.

    Primera caída Capacidad Comodidad ¡Decepción! Tiempo muerto

    Un coaster planant, très aérien avec une bonne thématique mais quelques vibrations à certains endroits

  • Nathan j.

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Hangtime Capacidad

    Une fois la magnifique file d'attente de gold rush terminé, nous prenons place dans ces magnifique trains gerstlauer plutôt détaillés et très confortable. Le triple launch est sympa et donne même un petit taquet au début. L'hangtime au Last row dans le dive loop après le trip launch est dantesque, on a juste l'impression de tomber du trains. On arrive ensuite sur le top hâte qui est très punchy au first avant gauche avec un éjector et un effet de basculement sur le côté. Au Last row le top hâte vous aspirera jusqu'en bas, c'est du tout bon. Pour le reste du lay out, il est assez simple, le camelback n'offre pas de gros airtime. Le coaster se finit avec un super effet de basculement dans le dive loop (surtout au first gauche du train qui est pour moi la meilleure place du coaster). C'est un très bon coaster avec des éléments variés. Bien qu'il soit un peu court sa thématique et sa musique sauront vous mettre dans l'ambiance far West du coaster

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída Suavidad Demasiado corto

    Nice family GCI that is over too quickly. It's very smooth with some mild airtimes and laterals.

  • L_ 24

    Primera caída Vibración ¡Decepción! Layout

    First drop is good, the non inverting serpent roll is kinda pointless, the stengel dive has great wip (best element of the ride). After that, basically nothing happens. Not much airtime, just going around a lake. Theming is ok, it features a nice waiting area and station. Everything else is not themed. The coaster is relatively rough and the Gerstlauer lap bars aren't making it better. Overall: OVERRATED!