• Vinnie T

    Fun Intensidad Suavidad Layout

    Probably the smoothest coaster I've been on (with the exception of Seven Dwarfs Mine Train at Disney's Magic Kingdom). The turn-around after the lift hill is surprisingly intense (sadly I kinda knew it ahead of time, otherwise that would've caught me off guard), then the first drop gave off some decent floater. The first two inversions, the vertical loop and the immelmann are really smooth but don't have a lot to offer when it comes to their intensity. Then you literally FLY through the zero-g-roll, it's a really snappy inversion, then the corkscrew is even better. It manages to make my head lean towards the restraint but not cause headbanging... it's very intense but smooth. I wish the end of the ride included one last turn around to the Coal Cracker and the water to make an interesting effect before heading into the brake run. I was expecting this ride to not be that forceful, part of it is... part of it is not.

  • Vinnie T

    Airtimes Intensidad Ejectors Demasiado corto

    A great ride with a unique layout! The airtime and speed make this a top coaster in all the lists and I can see why. The ride has a unique concept of having the second drop be the biggest drop. The sensation of speed is crazy and the g-forces on the fan turn are intense but it's the airtime hills at the very end is what makes this a stand-out coaster, my problem with the ride is that the lift hill takes forever and with a ride that short... it somewhat feels disappointing but the ride overall is amazing!

  • Danilo G.

    Velocidad Obra maestra Intensidad

    #1 Ride!!!

  • Vinnie T

    Launch Fun Vibración Arnés

    This is the ride that got me into Aerosmith and even to rock music (then heavy metal), this is probably my favorite coaster at the Disney parks in Florida. The theme in the queue is okay. When on the ride, the launch is actually pretty intense (probably more so than Joker's Jinx at Six Flags America, a ride with a similar layout... and that had a lap bar). The sea-serpent element is quite forceful but the turns throughout the ride don't really do anything and if you're not careful, you could get some headbanging. The corkscrew was enjoyable, but I think what really makes it a great ride is that it's indoors and the Aerosmith music really sets the tone. A somewhat underrated ride.

  • Vinnie T

    Airtimes Tematización Fun Vibración

    This (comparing to the Space Mountain at Disneyland which look... meh) is rather underrated. While it is rough, but it's tons of fun. You actually get some decent airtime throughout the layout, and the turns are quite intense... yet again it's in the dark. The ride is kinda janky at points and the weird seats made is somewhat worse but it wasn't to the point where it ruins my whole day (unlike a couple of coasters/flat rides). Give this one a chance.

  • Corentin T.

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Incomodidad

    La thématisation est vraiment chouette et dénote d'ailleurs avec pas mal de coins du parcs. Le ride est une très bonne surprise malgré quelques passages un peu violents dans les transitions à mon goût.

  • Corentin T.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Comodidad Fun Demasiado corto

    Tout le budget théma est parti dans la file d'attente mais celle-ci est plutôt sympathique et le débit reste correct malgré le seul train. Triple launch un peu anecdotique mais le reste du parcours est vraiment fun malgré sa faible longueur. Le tout dans le confort habituel des sièges Mack. Sans hésitation possible le meilleur coaster du parc à l'heure actuelle.

  • Corentin T.

    Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    Just another SLC.

  • Corentin T.

    Comodidad Suavidad Demasiado corto

    Un coaster de qualité pour les enfants. Dommage qu'il soit si court.

  • Corentin T.

    Tematización Incomodidad

    Une wild mouse bien inconfortable comme il faut.