• Korantin S.

    Fun Incomodidad

    If you are a kid, it's nice, not great, but nice. If you are an adult, it's fun but you WILL suffer. That's it, nothing more to say about it.

  • Korantin S.

    Tematización Obra maestra Suavidad

    Even if I find Toutatis to be a better coaster from a layout standpoint, Oz'Iris is still the real masterpiece of the Parc Asterix ! It's visually stunning, the egyptian area is easily the best themed area of the park and the queue and station are gorgeous. Nothing much to say on the coaster itself, it's as smooth as a 12yo coaster can be, it's hidding awesome elements like the "straight" line after the loop, or the 0g roll tucked away behind the temple with a scary footchopper for the left seats. It even have some serious intensity in its last helix !

  • Korantin S.

    Comodidad Velocidad Duración Tematización

    A nice comfortable family ride. It's quite long and nicely paced with varied elements. I wouldn't mind the backward section beeing a bit longer, but it's still really good. The theming of the station is awesome, but a long part of the ride is along the car park, meh... And Medusa's temple is floating on thin air... There is nice ideas but it's not that well executed :/

  • Korantin S.

    Primera caída Vibración Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    It was an awesome ride before it's retrack, now it's just a big pile of wood begging to be teared down. Riding this is no fun at all ! All you do is beg for your life and try to limit the pain from the end of the (arguably quite nice) first drop until the start of the last helix. You can finaly recover when you reach this last helix since it's now so slow that you would almost have time to chat with the unsuspecting future riders in the queue bellow you. Bonus point for the new trains that are infinitely less comfortable that the first one if you are a big guy like me.

  • Korantin S.

    Situación Vibración Incomodidad

    Veeery rattely bobsled, but still an enjoyable ride with a spectacular view of the area around it and the neighbouring ride Toutatis.

  • Korantin S.

    Tematización Fun Incomodidad

    Painfull breaks, but still funny and nicely themed !

  • Korantin S.

    Situación Vibración Torta ¡Romper en pedazos!

    A very beautiful ride at a very beautiful spot over the lake. But that's all it is, a beautiful pile of steel, don't ever dare to ride it (please).

  • Korantin S.

    Airtimes Comodidad Launch Tiempo muerto

    Very nice ride overall, it's easy to see why it's in most european enthusiast's top 10. The triple launch is quite powerful on it's third run, and the spike is my favorite part of the ride with a monumental airtime all the way down if you seat at the back. I find the trimmed top hat to be a not so interesting feature, only interesting at the front row where you dangle for quite a long time before going down. Lastly, the double up leading to the breaks is very intense, a lot more intense than anything before it and I find it very incomfortable.

  • MarveLokirogers

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Demasiado corto Tiempo muerto

    Très bon family coaster très bien thematisé et super fun. Dommage qu'il ne soit pas plus fluide, confortable et rapide et que la first drop ne soit pas un peu plus haute.

  • Yoyo Yobo


    Un vieu coaster B&M qui en a sous le capot, malgré des coup notamment la 3eme et la dernière inversion qui font mal. Mais (et c'est la première fois que je vois ça) il y a un airtime (top 3 ez) quand le coaster s'engage sur les freins de mi-pacours.