• Evangelion Martini

    Fun Capacidad Tiempo muerto

    My first boomerang, and I was honestly pretty surprised at how not awful it was. It wasn't nearly as rough as I was expecting, but instead kinda bland when going through the layout on the forwards part. However the ride becomes decently fun when you go through the course again in reverse. Traversing the vertical loop in reverse reminded me of the Schwarzkopf Shuttle Loops like Montezooma's Revenge at Knott's, just a fair bit less intense. Decently fun, but definitely not a mandatory ride at the park if you visit. By nature of their shuttle coaster design, capacity can be an issue on these models on really busy days; just keep an eye on the line and maybe catch a ride on it if it's not busy, skip if it is.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Lap Bar Launch Hangtime Demasiado corto

    Very fun little ride with a lot to offer. Having fun launches, both backward and forward, a memorable heartline roll at the apex that gives great hangtime with those lapbars, and some picturesque views of the surrounding bay while at said apex, this compact ride is definitely worth a ride or two. Unlike Sky Rocket 2s at larger parks like Superman: Ultimate Flight at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, you don't really run into too many problems with capacity at smaller parks like SeaWorld San Diego; wait times end up being pretty mild, allowing for plenty of re-rides. Would definitely recommend that you sit in the back.

  • Evangelion Martini
  • Evangelion Martini

    Airtimes Ejectors Hangtime Demasiado corto

    While some of the criticism of this ride is deserved, this ride definitely gets way more hate than it deserves. While it may be a bit on the shorter side compared to its other RMC siblings, the hangtime moments/inversions are out of this world, and are definitely what set this ride apart from the other RMCs out there. In addition, you also get plenty of signature RMC ejector airtime if the hangtime wasn't enough for you. Well paced, unique, and just plain fun, Joker is definitely one worth paying the price of admission for.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Fun Capacidad

    My first Free Spin, and I had a pretty alright time on it (certainly light-years better than riding a ZacSpin). While it's not something to go out of your way to the park for, it's a pretty decent supporting coaster for the park. Unfortunately, capacity is a bit of an issue on this model, so if there's a long line you're probably better off giving other rides your attention.

  • Antoine M.

    À faire si de passage mais sans grand intérêt. Il est opéré de façon originale en "petit train" avec l'opérateur devant.

  • Antoine M.

    Hangtime Arnés Incomodidad

    Ça part d'une bonne idée avec du hangtime bien long, mais le tout est gâché par le confort absent et les harnais qui se serrent à en rendre le ride oubliable. Fait pale figure à côté de son grand frère abismo.

  • Antoine M.

    Fun Arnés

    Petit launch et parcours sympa, dommage pour les harnais qui se serrent et rendent le la fin désagréable.

  • Antoine M.

    ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Une bonne daube, copie chinoise où l'on vous enchaîne littéralement à votre siège. À faire pour occuper les opé désœuvrés.

  • Antoine M.

    Airtimes Launch Ejectors Torta Capacidad

    Un quasi sans faute pour ce launch S&S, super puissant et intense, avec un layout des plus intéressants. Quel dommage que le confort ne soit pas optimal et qu'il y ait une baffe bien désagréable dans l'hélice finale.