• Adrien L.

    Airtimes Primera caída Capacidad

    Petite merveille qui allie sensations et confort. Les airtimes tout comme la vitesse sont présents tout au long du ride avec aucun temps mort. Les figures s’enchaînent avec un fluidité extrême et sans aucune vibrations. L'aspect extérieur est plutôt sympa avec un choix de couleurs originales, mais la thématisation reste quasi inexistante. Gros point noir sur le débit avec des opérateurs japonais très lents et agissant en suivant scrupuleusement la procédure tels des robots.... Ajouter à cela un seul train de sorti et on l'on obtient un envoi toutes les 6-7 minutes.

  • Maxime Cretton

    Tematización Comodidad Layout Vibración Demasiado corto

    Timber réussit à maximiser le fun sur un parcours dont les stats ne sont pas les plus impressionnantes. Aussi on peut noter un effort bienvenu de thématisation dans la file et autour de l'attraction. Le parcours est très court malheureusement… Update 2019: trois ans après mon dernier ride, le coaster a malheureusement gagné en vibrations.

  • Maxime Cretton

    Airtimes Comodidad Layout

    Vraiment un très bon coaster pour un parc de la taille de Walibi. Le layout est excellent, beaucoup d'airtime. La flèche et la partie en arrière font une superbe conclusion au parcours. La durée du ride est pile ce qu'il fallait. Par contre c'est dommage que les opérateurs serrent un peu trop les lap bars, mais bon la sécurité avant tout!

  • Mathis Gullon

    Tematización Lap Bar Layout Demasiado corto

    Un investissement quasi-parfait pour Walibi Rhône-Alpes. Mystic, c'est d'abord une thématique originale et poussée qui n'échappe pas à l'humour et à l'auto-dérision, devenus des marques de fabrique chez la CDA. On aime le parcours ou non (notamment cette flèche, surprenante), mais chaque mètre de rail a son utilité, et l'on ne retrouve pas ce côté compact des éléments parfois pénible sur d'autres créations Gerstlauer. Voilà ce que donne un coasser fait avec amour avec un peu de budget, beaucoup de passion et énormément de contraintes ! Je demande à comparer avec Fury, mais le parcours me semble plus fade. Reste à voir comment va vieillir ce coaster, qui devient très intense en fin de journée...

  • אדר פופקו

    Primera caída Suavidad Layout Intensidad

    orkanen is without a doubt,one of the greatest vekoma coasters which really need to be talked about more by entusiastes.mostly,americans and other seeing vekoma in a very negative light to me,why?vekoma isnt that bad,its honestly one of the greatest coaster manufacters ever,they are really creative and hell,my first ever coaster was a vekoma slc which i thought wasnt too bad.and yea,some coaster from them i despise like the shitty super manage at la ronde,but they have more good than bad coasters(hell,even some of their slc arent that bad,but if jolty).now lets get on with the ride.orkanene was build in 2013 and at its opening,was considerd to be the tallest of the sfcs(f=family),only to be cloned 7 times more,which satteled down with its originallity,but thats ok,as i mentioned,as long as a clone good,its fine for me,just if you are cloning a coaster that is bad,somthing is wrong with you.this coaster mgiht not be an intense ride,but whi told that a coaster needs to be intense to be good.and here comes orkanen,the defention of it.what i love about orkanen is how relaxing its feels,seirously,the fly on the water really give the ride a beautiful athmosphere,one of the greatest feelings ive ever had on a coaster,which is a relaxing,beutiful feel.not to mention the layout of this 453m prototype model vertion of a sfc,its so good.the rides first drop is going staright under the water,and it was really unexpected and honestly felt so fun.the next elemant were of some helixes,and really cool turns and then its cool setting over the water helped really.not to mention that it is so smooth,you dont bang your head and honestly it is one of the smoothest vekomas out there,which helps to the feel.this is their last coaster farup has recived too,and seeing them getting a family boomerang after its succes really warms my hears,so yes,it is a good coaster,and the feeling you will get is great,highly reccamand it to the entusiastes who want a brake from those intense coasters.

  • Aubin D.

    Airtimes Inversiones ¡Buena sorpresa! Demasiado corto

    Mystic est une bonne surprise qui a surpassé mes attentes! Des jolis airtimes notamment dans la drop ou sur le top hat, et un régal à faire en fin de journée.

  • אדר פופקו

    Inversiones Layout Ejectors

    my only way to describe lynet is if an intamin blitz and a eurofighter were combined together,creating a great,fun,and smooth exprience of a great coaster,and yes,it is by far,the star coaster of the park.lynet was build in 2008 and its one of only two gerstlauer lauch coaster,a similar model to a eurofighter with the only diffrence beetween thos two is,as the name lauch coaster says,that it have a launch instead of a lift and a muuch smaller cars which reminds me of dare devil dive at six flags over georgia.it is the first of the two,which considerd as a prototype,which after that,another launch coaster was built n 2009 in belgium,a.k.a,anubis.for me,its a shame that the model never got to be relise in anymore countries,since i can see it as a smashing hit at many parks throught europe.its might not be in levels of karacho,but for what it was,it was a smooth,welcome exprience.now,kets go to my ride points.the layout is amazingin this,well thoguth and overall,filled with so many elemants that made my ride worth every penny.the launch,while far from being the best launch in the world,its still a really good and fast launch,than the top hat really gave some great airtime despite it small size,every hill gave some really good ejector,really felt like you are going fly off your sit at any airtime hill,the turns were compact and smooth,and the invesions were a treat to ride,each inversion gave a good airtime,espcially the crockscrew and staid a fast paced ride,even the 2 midcourse brakeruns didnt slow it down,it was well paced throught and altough it had a slight rattle,it was so smooth and fun.so yea,its a great coaster,im so sad launched gerstlauers didnt saw the light of day,this was a solid,but great exprience and im reccomanding each one of you to give it a chance.

  • Lily Buchholz

    Personnellement Je l'aime beaucoup, il est long, assez fun et quand il pleut c'est un bon refuge ?

  • אדר פופקו

    Velocidad Suavidad Airtimes Tiempo muerto Layout

    i didnt really enjoyed this coaster,granted it isnt that bad,but it isnt good either,i can think of a much better spinners which will be better than this,but i can think of some not that good of mices which are worst than that too.the ride was build in 2001,and it is their second coaster thier build,and of course,it was build by the king of spinners,reverchon,but i wont call it thier best work,yes,it isnt,so ill explain why i didnt like it so much.but firstly,we will start at the pros.the ride is certenly smooth,no deny that,it slided well with the track and the banking were decent,and i quit liked that it kept a good pace throught the layout,hell,it is one of the better pacing wildmouses,which is suprisingly,was fun.but it was laos a dead ride,the spinnig elemant here was barely exciting,it was bad,but not tyfonen levels of bad,spinning in those types of coasters is an important factor since for me,if its not spin,it is just another boring wild mouse with a reptetive layout,this one,barely spinned,only at the end we started to get dizzy,and if you do spin,its feels boring for me,sadly too,a wild mouse have to be with a good airtime,and this one,didnt deliver that airtime i was looking for in a wildmouse.so yea,in conclusion i can say its a pretty ba dwl mouse,but its not that bad compared to the one by zamperla,it was decent enough,but if you want some thrills,you might manage to get on another coaster rather than this.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Velocidad Layout Incomodidad

    this wooden coaster advertist as the best wooden in all of denmark,while i liked more rustchbanen at tivoli gardens,i certinly call this the most intense out of the wooden coasters in denmark,this 2004 woodie is the only s&s woodie to come to europe,and its their last coaster that remined and build(thier last woodie that they managed to build was in 2004.7,and it was avalanche at timber falls).meanwhile,denmark have only 3 woodies,and while i think rustchebanen is much better,falken is still a good woodie with maybe one major issue,and lets go and review this modren woodie of denmark.the thing that the ride is best at most,is with giving a good amount of airtime,firstly tho,i liked were its located,you can get so many good views of the trees and their suspended coaste,orkanen.now the airtime is so great,its so smooth went and fun too.the first drop is a good one,its gving us speed and the rided maintain that speed throught mut of the layout,which packed with many airtime hills and turns,but here comes the main issue with the ride,the turns,while the airtime hills are good,gave nice airtime and went smoothly,the turns on the other hand,gave some really brutal leterals and slammed my to the cars,which was painful.probably the most painful moment on this ride is the helix,the letrals were so ba don this one and it felt like im on pain that never ends,i belive if they will retrack the ride a little bit,it will be a much more berable and reridable coaster than what it is now,well,it is nit the roughest coaster ive ever been on,but maybe they can retrack it a little more,just to give it a better feels on the turns,since they ook thrilling and gave some forces,but overall,im reccomanding this ride to you entusiates,and hey,you night enjoy it more than me.