• Jake Williams

    Airtimes Inversiones Suavidad Arnés

    So Joker often gets considered one of the worst RMC's and yeah, that's partially true. But in a way, it's over hated. The word "worst" often comes with a bad connation, which isnt fair considering Joker still gives a great ride. Anyways, after listening to the weird clown laughing in the queue, you board into the typical RMC trains and get rolling through this fun prelift section. Then you crest the lifthill as you look down at a steep twisting drop in front of the entrance. After the insane ejector air on that drop, go into this weird inversion that gives pretty great hangtime. Go around a turn, and Boom! Another cool inversion! This next part is kinda dead though as you just go around an overbanked turn but then you get air on the next hill! Go get some more air in the double down and go into another overbank. The final inversion is low to the ground and is my personal favorite. Then one more airtime hill and hit the brakes. Back into the station with the clown laughing! Joker i wouldn't consider as good as Twisted Colossus because there just is a little more dead moments and the overbanks don't do too much for me. Overall, still a great ride and by far the best ride in Northern California.

  • Jake Williams

    Primera caída Inversiones Intensidad Incomodidad

    What an insane ride. The queue just gets you pumped as the music and the 'X2... X2..." plays. Hopefully, you selected inside seat, and get ready for your ride! And after the metal music on the lifthill comes the greatest drop in the world as you fall 200 feet vertically, spinning all the way. The raven turn is cool as we soar across, looking at the line of cars waiting to get in. This funky bit called the "fly to die" element or something is neat where you dont invert but kinda just get hangtime and this weird feeling as you go over it. After that the ride is pretty much over and you've witnessed one of the best in the world. Don't listen to Coaster Studios when he gives it a 5/10. This an insane ride if you're riding inside seat. If you're riding outside it's more like a 4/5. X2 is just insane and you really need to check it out.

  • Jake Williams

    Airtimes Primera caída Suavidad Arnés

    Twisted Colossus spent alot of time at my #1, then I rode El Toro. Nonetheless, it is still pretty awesome. The prelift even has air! The drops are insane with pure ejector air but sadly there is a little thigh crushing. The high five is unique and cool as well. The stall in particular is a great inversion. The best part is once the blue side ends, you get to go again on the green side! it's practically the same layout but slighlty altered. When you're dueling, the ride is even better. Overall, Twisted Colossus is one wicked ride but it is held back a little by poor restraints. Still a 5/5 though.

  • Paul Casalis

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Tiempo muerto

    Très bon coaster pour un parc comme tripsdrill ! La théma est excellente, le launch punchy et le layout varié ! Bon il manque un peu d'airtimes pour avoir une offre complète !

  • Paul Casalis

    Intensidad Layout Airtimes

    Un coaster bien bourin ! Il vous remettra les idées en place en seulement un tour !

  • Paul Casalis

    Airtimes Obra maestra Suavidad

    Probablement le B&M le plus abouti au monde, ce coaster procure des airtimes d'une qualité et d'une longueur incomparable!

  • Paul Casalis

    Airtimes Primera caída Obra maestra

    Une first drop inégalé, des airtimes longs et surpuissants, des bon G positifs le tous dans un layout sans temps mort et au milieu d'une forêt! Que dire de plus un chef d'œuvre signé intamin!

  • Alexandre L.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Suavidad

    Note valable pour AIR, n'ayant pas eu l'occasion de tester la version VR Galactica

  • Alexandre L.

    Torta Incomodidad

    Vraiment dommage, tu restes une des seules attraction d'Europa Park que je prefère eviter...

  • Alexandre L.

    Situación Comodidad Suavidad

    Une super attraction disposant d'une superbe situation géographique. Petit conseil, c'est en front line qu'on a les meilleurs sensations de vitesse sur les launchs. Bravo Mack Rides et Liseberg