• Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Primera caída Ejectors

    The twisting first drop is great. And that first airtime hill is one of my all-time favorites. Good ejectors and airtimes throughout. My only minor complaint was the ending, which I found a little too abrupt. Otherwise, a great RMC overall.

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída Torta Incomodidad

    Not QUITE as bad as I was expecting. Still, I spent the entire ride clinging tightly to the harness in an attempt to lessen the headbanging. One and done.

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída Inversiones Fun Demasiado corto

    Great first drop, but I think it would be even better without the "hang time." Layout is fun with some good inversions and decent airtime. Don't be like me and leave your cell phone in your front pants pocket. The lap bar crushed the screen. The final pictures from my late phone are posted here :)

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Fun Ejectors Capacidad

    Solid RMC that races through its tight layout with nice ejectors and fun inversions. There's not a single dead spot. Overall, it's in the bottom half of 19 RMCs I've ridden, but it's still in the top 10% of all coasters I've ridden. I mean, it's an RMC! My only complaint is that the ride ops were really, really slow.

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída Suavidad Ejectors Tiempo muerto

    Top 20 for me. Fun twisting drop followed by an action-packed first half. I love the barrel roll. The sudden decrease in pace on the "quarry wall crawl" is what keeps IR out of my top 10. However, it's followed by one of my favorite finales, especially in the back seat where you are whipped over the cliff and down the quarry wall with some of the scariest ejector I've ever felt.

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída Inversiones Suavidad Layout Intensidad

    Not bad. Not great. This lands in the bottom half of inverts I've ridden. It's very smooth, but it's a bit lacking in the thrill department.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Velocidad Vibración Layout

    Front seat is the best where you can feel the speed better. The airtimes are also really good in the front. Airtimes in the middle and back were not as good, and the back seat had a persistent rattle. As for that boring straight section, they couldn't have put in a little airtime hill or something? Also, it feels like half the ride is spent in a helix. That element is definitely overdone here.

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída Velocidad Intensidad

    An awesome woodie. I don't understand why it's ranked only #192 on here. It blows through the layout, never slowing down. It has me constantly shouting "Whoa!!" It's filled with great airtimes, snappy transitions and nice laterals. The front and back provide smooth rides and are where the airtimes really pop. The middle seats rattle a bit too much, but the front and back put Prowler in my top 20. That curving drop is one of my favorite first drops. I got in 15 rides in two hours. I could ride this thing forever. LOVE Prowler!

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída Fun Suavidad

    The quick elevator lift in the dark is cool. (It creeped me out the first time.) Then the door opens, and the train pauses to let you contemplate that great first drop. Front seat is best for a sensation of speed, but all seats are good. There are some surprising Gs that made me grey out a bit. The hangtimes on the lagoon roll are freaky because they are slow, and the only thing holding you in is the lap bar. A fun and unique coaster. Great ride ops, too!

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Suavidad Ejectors

    An awesome coaster with relentless insanity. There are so many great moments, but my favorite is the arcade barrel roll, which is a thing of beauty. The ride ops won't staple you unless you request it. I stapled myself once, and the airtimes were unpleasant. However, with a slightly loose seat belt and the lap bar an inch or two above the thighs, the airtimes/ejectors are phenomenal. I thought the ending quad-down was going to be "too much of a good thing," but I was wrong. I love that finale, especially in the back! Also, front seat after dark is amazing.

  • Coaster Nut

    Inversiones Launch Intensidad Tiempo muerto

    Top 10 for me, but only at night in front. I’m surprised more people don’t mention the first half is fairly dull, especially in daytime. After the launch, there is a noticeable lack of cheering/yelling from riders during the first half. Anyway, four night rides in the front make this an elite coaster for me. Those rides were fantastic, really bringing out the speed and intensity in both halves. Front seat at night also makes the Mosasaurus roll my favorite coaster finale. I just wish this coaster had the intensity in every seat at all times of day. Excellent ride ops, by the way!

  • Coaster Nut

    Comodidad Arnés Suavidad

    This is the first flying coaster that I genuinely enjoyed. The harness is very comfortable, and the layout is fun and scenic. The only thing I didn't like was the dive into the pretzel loop, as the positive Gs pressed my chest too hard against the harness. The pretzel loop itself, though, was fun. Definitely my favorite flying coaster.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Velocidad Duración Vibración Capacidad Layout

    Exceeded my expectations. It's a fun ride with a good sensation of speed. Back delivered some nice airtime, especially at the end. Airtime in the front was not as good. The layout could certainly be more creative as too much of the ride is spent in helixes. There was a slight rattle at certain points, but nothing horrible. There was crummy capacity with only one train running.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Fun Intensidad

    The intensity leaves me exhausted after every ride. I love it! This is an awesome GCI that, like Prowler, is very underrated. Great airtimes, laterals and speed. It maintains its intensity throughout, and it feels much faster than 51 mph. The airtimes are outstanding in the front. The back feels a little more intense overall, but loses a little of the airtime. As with Prowler, I avoid the middle seats because they rattle too much. The twisting first drop is really fun, especially in the back. One of my top woodies. Front and back seats put this solidly in my top 20.

  • Coaster Nut

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Tiempo muerto

    Better than I thought it would be. It's a classic coaster that's still in pretty good shape.

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída Velocidad Suavidad Layout

    The coaster that gave me a bright red bloodshot eye. The wind was so intense in the front seat that it burst little blood vessels in my right eye. I looked pretty scary for a few days! In spite of that, I loved the front for feeling the speed. Back was best for airtimes and the first drop. Leviathan is fun overall, but I expected a few more elements to make me say, "Whoa!!" It feels like it should do more with its height and speed.

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída Comodidad Suavidad Tiempo muerto Intensidad

    Like most divers, the first drop is fun. After that, though, the ride feels like it just kind of meanders around. It's smooth and pleasant overall, but in the end it comes across as a one-trick pony.

  • Coaster Nut

    Velocidad Intensidad Layout Vibración Demasiado corto

    This gets the award for the worst coaster pothole. It's right near the end, and it's so jarring that I thought it would break the wheels. Before that, the ride is pretty rough, but it was just on the edge of what I'm willing to tolerate. This is a unique and intense little coaster. The tight layout makes it feel faster than it is.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Fun Suavidad Demasiado corto

    Very underrated. It's a small woodie that is super smooth and lots of fun. It has some surprising airtimes and laterals that made it a very enjoyable ride. The only drawback is that it's on the shorter side, and I was disappointed when it ended too soon. A big plus is that it's basically across the street from Universal, so it's easy to get to. I originally thought about skipping out on it, and I'm glad I didn't.

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída ¡Buena sorpresa! Layout Tiempo muerto

    Finally, a dive coaster that has memorable elements besides the drops. Other divers leave me unenthused, but Striker's layout is creative and fun. The full-360 loop is cool, and I love the whip on the Immelmann. And I don't know why exactly, but the first drop delivers a bigger thrill than other divers. The second half loses a little steam, but overall the ride leaves me with a big smile. It's always been one and done with other divers, but this is the first one I wanted to ride again and again. The single rider line was a big help -- allowed me to get 6 rides in an hour.

  • Coaster Nut

    Situación Tiempo muerto Intensidad

    The only interesting part is the helix at the end where the train dives close to the water. Otherwise, it doesn't do much. Nice scenery, though.

  • Coaster Nut

    Tematización Comodidad Suavidad Tiempo muerto

    This was fun. The moderate spinning worked nicely. (I can't handle excessive spinning as I get older.) This is a good family coaster. The kids in the car next to us seemed to really love it!

  • Coaster Nut

    Fun Arnés Duración

    This is one of the best inverts around. It is smooth, and it delivers good intensity on all of its elements. It's just a lot of fun!

  • Coaster Nut

    Velocidad Intensidad Ejectors Vibración

    My all-time favorite front-seat ride. The airtimes/ejectors were so intense in the front that I seriously questioned how the train stayed on the track. Other seats were great, too, but the front was absolutely insane. It was awesome. The only con for WWGL is an annoying CLANK on every track joint. Raptor tracks aren't aging well. I didn't notice any track joints in 2022 on the new WW Flight of Courage. However, track joints are now very noticeable on WWGL and Railblazer, both 5 years old, and are starting to clank on Jersey Devil, only 2 years old.

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída Fun Layout

    During its first year, the harness crushed my chest. On numerous rides since then, the harness has been much more comfortable, and I enjoy this coaster more each time I ride it. It's not overly intense, but it's a smooth and fun experience. The "near miss" maneuvers through the keyholes are an awesome element, and they always manage to scare me (but just a little!).

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Layout Duración Vibración Incomodidad

    This is a good classic woodie with a nice long ride and a creative layout. The front was a lot of fun with solid airtimes and laterals and only a slight rattle. The middle was good but not as fun as the front. The back, however, was awful. It rattled horribly, especially in the valleys where it jackhammered and slammed me into the lap bar and the side of the car. My rating is for the front and middle, which provide a good time.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Capacidad

    This feels a bit overrated. The only part that felt "elite" was the end. The final airtime hills are outstanding, and they are easily my favorite airtime moments of any coaster. That sustained floater is so cool, thanks to having just the buzz bar. Before that, though, I was a little bored. The first airtime hills were just OK and kind of clunky. The second hills were smooth and fun, but nothing exceptional. Capacity was horrible with one train running on a busy August weekend. Same for every coaster in the park. Why??

  • Coaster Nut

    Intensidad Layout Ejectors

    Proof that a great coaster doesn't have to be super fast or tall. I love the snappy transitions and quick pops of air. Top 5 ride for me. The layout is awesome with a great mix of powerful ejectors, laterals and airtime. The train never slows down, whipping through the elements. Front seat in the dark feels completely out of control and so fast - like being strapped to a rocket - and it's one of my favorite coaster experiences. GCI designed a great ride here, even better than Renegade and Prowler, two GCIs I also love.

  • Coaster Nut

    Primera caída Velocidad Suavidad Airtimes Tiempo muerto

    MForce will always be one of my favorites, but it's definitely lost of some of its thrill factor over the years. That's simply because other coasters have surpassed it when it comes to getting your adrenaline pumping. On my most recent ride, I realized I was just "along for the ride" between the first banked curve and the last airtime hill. Everything in the middle felt rather forceless compared to newer coasters. At the same time, a night ride in the front is still awesome for that sheer feeling of speed.

  • Coaster Nut

    Obra maestra Intensidad Ejectors

    Phenomenal! All seats are outstanding for incredible speed, ejectors, airtimes, laterals, smoothness, everything! Front seat -- wow. The barrel roll is a masterpiece and my favorite part. Non-stop intensity from start to finish. Worthy of the praise it receives. Got 17 rides on a light attendance day, and rode on every part of the train. Every seat delivers. I'm glad I wasn't there on a busy day because the ride ops can be frustratingly slow. I keep going back and forth about whether Gwazi, AF1 or SteVe should be my #1 coaster. RMC makes it tough to choose.