Reseñas de montañas rusas
Primera caída Fun Suavidad Demasiado corto
I think dive coasters are very underrated. People complain about the first drop being the only good part on these rides and that the rest is just filler. But the layout doesn't feel like it has to much filler at all. The inversions were fun and I even thought the second drop was good.
Primera caída Duración Vibración Tiempo muerto
I had a lot of fun on it but my main problem with it is the fact that its quite rough. Also there are way to many mid-course break-runs. Other than that a good ride.
Airtimes Primera caída Suavidad Tematización
I don't know why I just love it!
Airtimes Situación Launch Demasiado corto
Its too short because of how fast it is. The pacing is great. It literally does not give you a break. My favorite coaster that I have ridden.
Launch Intensidad Suavidad
Intense and fast and strait up just plain fun.