• seth w.

    Primera caída Capacidad Demasiado corto ¡Decepción!

    Maybe dive coasters just aren't for me but I did not enjoy this. Way too short and the mid course breaks brought the train almost to a stop. It's just a drop and an immelmann, then another smaller drop and immelmann then a forceless helix and you're done. Really wish this thing had more going on. Very much a one trick pony.

  • seth w.

    Launch Demasiado corto

    Obviously this is just a filler clone coaster but it's honestly surprisingly fun. I'd never been on a skyrocket II before but I see why parks have them. I also really didn't mind the restraints, I was expecting them to have a negative impact on my ride much more. The launches are fun especially backwards. Definitely worth a ride at the park.

  • seth w.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Tiempo muerto

    this ride is actually so much fun. the indoor section was surprisingly forceful for me, and maybe it's cuz I was on an empty stomach but I borderline grayed out during the indoor portion. No other ride at BGW did that for me. There are some dead spots but overall it's such a fun coaster. More intense than I expected but nothing insane like i305. Very much worth the wait.

  • seth w.

    Inversiones Obra maestra Intensidad

    The only con is it's 7 hours from me. It's as perfect as a ride can get with amazing pacing and incredible ejector airtime. You can reride as many times as you want, I got over 20 rides in about 3 hours

  • seth w.

    Primera caída Velocidad ¡Decepción!

    Maybe it's because I waited 90 minutes with Fury being right next door, but I was pretty disappointed by this ride. I haven't had a ton of experience on B&M hypers, but I was expecting a bit better than this. I didn't get as much airtime as I expected. I need to reride soon, but as of now it's easily my least favorite of the four major coasters in the park.

  • seth w.

    Not as bad as people make it out to be. I rode twisted timbers before this which was cool to see the original layout. I also got decent airtime on the first few hills and the roughness was tolerable and added some interest to an average layout. Again, not as bad as people made it to be and a lot of the GP seemed to really enjoy it too.

  • seth w.

    It's better than a lot of people make it out to be, but maybe I just got a good ride. I flipped three times and although short is really chaotic and disorienting. Much better than I expected.

  • seth w.

    Intensidad Arnés Incomodidad

    If you're over 6'2 and skinny you will feel some soreness on your collar bone the next day. Intense ride and really great but the over the shoulder restraint is brutally uncomfortable.

  • seth w.

    Inversiones Duración Tiempo muerto

    Obviously a very cool coaster being the first interlocking loops. It's pretty fun and the loops are surprisingly forceful. The in the dark helixes last way longer than you think and don't provide forces but are pretty cool nonetheless. Fun ride overall and not too intense.

  • seth w.

    Launch Ejectors

    What a fantastic ride! The launches are definitely my favorite and the backwards pop of ejector you get is absolutely incredible. The zero g stall feels like it last forever. I do wish there was more speed over the top hat and the outward banked turn. Neither do much in terms of forces because of how slow it goes over both. Despite that, this coaster is EASILY the best at BGW and deserves the praise it gets. I also don't care much for theming so that didn't bother me.

  • seth w.


    if you're tall your shins will suffer. ride can be temperamental but on a good day this is one of the best on the planet.

  • seth w.

    Velocidad Fun Layout

    Really great ride. Super fun and it throws you around more than you'd expect. I marathoned this in the back row and we came off laughing every time. I know it's not the most thrilling or intense but it sure is fun.

  • seth w.

    Airtimes Velocidad

    Fun hyper, decent floater one the first drop and camelback but some hills I felt nothing.

  • seth w.

    Suavidad Duración Tiempo muerto

    Fun invert, first drop isn't intense and kind of feels like you're just accelerating into the ride so it's great for people who don't enjoy first drops. A couple inversions were pretty snappy but it does feel like it meanders around at thd end. overall a long smooth invert that is definitely a fun ride.

  • seth w.

    Typical out and back wooden coaster. Absolutely fantastic airtime off drop of turnaround, but other than that relatively forceless. Moderate roughness but nothing that isn't tolerable.

  • seth w.

    Pretty fun ride, would be better if the lapbar didn't come down directly into the stomach of the person in front. Makes for a pretty uncomfortable ride when the operator decides to force it down as far as possible into their stomach. Really unique coaster though, but don't expect much in terms of forces. Get on early because capacity is not good so lines form pretty early.

  • seth w.

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch Demasiado corto

    Fantastic ride, maybe my favorite coaster not named i305 or twisted timbers. The launch is so fun, and that initial upward helix is incredibly forceful. Really caught me by surprise. The rest of the ride is fun, with bits of airtime and a neat tunnel area after a second launch that ends with a great photo spot with a drop out of the tunnel. Overall great ride, but I do wish there were a couple more intense moments like the helix!

  • seth w.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch Tiempo muerto

    Surprisingly good coaster with a disorienting indoor section. Queue theming is excellent as well and really gets you freaked out to ride. The launch was much better than expected, but may be due to the dark. Had no issues with the restraints so I wasn't expecting to see that as a complaint. Anyway, really great supporting coaster for the park.

  • seth w.


    Weird ride with odd elements. Definitely some headbanging and discomfort throughout the ride especially in the second half. Not as bad as many claim though