Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors Vibrations

    This is an absolutely incredible ride. Not quite up there with Toutatis in my opinion, but it's still excellent. That heartline roll out of the station already shows that you're in for a good time. I got five rides and I experienced all four of the cars. The hangtime on that roll is incredible up front. The first launch is punchy and really catches you off guard. It feels as though the cars start spinning fast halfway through it. If you're in the front car, you'll get extremely forceful and sustained airtime at the crest of the top hat. If you're in the back, the drop off of the top hat is incredible, especially if you experience it backwards or sideways. The following inversions (a banana roll, a loop and a zero-G roll) are extremly disorienting and have great hangtime. The second launch also has a good pop of ejector airtime halfway though. It's not as punchy as the first one but it still has some power. The step-up underflip is disorienting and, again, has great hangtime, especially up front. You get yanked down that second inversion in the back as well. The next hill has good floater airtime throughout the train and more forceful ejector airtime in the back car. The overbanked turn is fun taken sideways. The ending is perfect as well, the two pops of ejector airtime you get remind me of Toutatis' ending. The music is also perfect. Update July 2024: Well, after some re-rides, I have to say that this is one of the best coasters I've been on, only second to Eejanaika. The airtime is amazing, some of the most powerful out there. and there is never a single dead spot. The onboard audio is the cherry on top. It also never had a wait, so I marathoned it nearly all day. Update September 2024: Well, it's still an incredible ride, don't get me wrong, but it just seems to get rougher on every visit. It has some great airtime, but it's not really a ride where you can put your hands up and enjoy the forces. It now has a rattle that can give you a headache after a few rides. When I rode it in December 2023, it was perfect, then July, a bit rattly at the end but not bad. Now its has a shuffle on almost every valley. I don't know if it's the wheels or the trains putting too much stress on the track and structure but it's getting rough quickly, to the point where Anubis The Ride from 2009 (which I loved on my latest ride) was smoother.

  • Joey K.

    Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar Trop court

    Airtime machine! I had a blast riding Hyperia. The first drop is unlike any other, the zero-G stall takes an eternity, and the outer banked roll feels like you're completely gone flying. The positive, uplifting theme is great, the soundtrack up the lifthill enhances the experience even further, and the coaster is really nice to look at throughout the park. There's no dead spots, although the coaster doesn't pack as much punch as most modern thrill coasters. But the real major downside is that the ride time from the top of the chainlift to the first brake run is only 30 seconds, which is around half the ride time of the other greatest of Europe, such as Hyperion or Kondaa.

  • Aequus

    Situation Fun Inconfort

    Very fun family ride, but definitely not made designed for adults to fit in. I love how the track goes over a busy area of the park and interacts with some of the small rides around it. The launch through the station on the second round is also a nice touch.

  • Aequus

    Fun Chef d'oeuvre Layout

    I love this ride so much. It's crazy, unique, and impossible to get bored of, as every ride is a completely different experience. Although Plopsaland seems to have issues with theming, this attraction is a beautiful, immersive experience from start to finish. The queues always seem to be unreasonably short, so re-riding it is super easy too. I don't understand how a coaster can be so disorienting and unpredictable, but how stomach-friendly at the same time. It's impossible to understate how crazy all the inversions are, and you get a crazy amount of airtime too in the second half, which the non-restrictive restraints make even more enjoyable. The only thing I've found it lacking is sheer forces and intensity- although on some days, the launch seems to be a bit stronger than usual, giving it that extra kick that it's missing on others.

  • Victor Bou Betrán

    Harnais Inconfort A raser !

    Te subes a esta atraccion y te rompes el 1000 pedazos del dolor.

  • Aequus

    Vibrations Débit Inconfort

    They only run one, four person train at a time. I waited in line for over 30 minutes for the less than a minute long ride, which was terribly rough and I regret every second of it

  • Aequus

    Launch Fun Ejectors Théma Temps mort

    Very bizarre theming, the queue is quite dirty and the taxidermied animals are kinda gross. I'm surprised this ride isn't haunted. The coaster itself is pretty good though and deserves more love, and even though it sizzles out in the second half, the launch is intense and you get quite a bit of airtime in the beginning

  • Aequus

    Airtimes Fluidité Longueur Launch Intensité

    Abyssus was a big surprise for me in terms of intensity. The first half is super tame, a little unnecessary in my opinion, but it's a nice warmup for what's to come in the second half. The first drop was amazing, but the loop and batwings that followed were very intense, they made me black and gray out several times, which surprised me considering some people complain about this coaster being too tame. I came off with a headache, but honestly I can't complain too much- the ride length is very generous, and the elements flow well into each other. What disappointed me however, were the launches. I got a much better kick out of Formula, for the reason that Abyssus uses two separate, weaker launches to get to roughly the same speed, so it didn't feel nearly as intense. The magnetic launches also took a long time to really kick in, further taking away from the experience, but that goes for its little brother as well. Overall a great experience!

  • Aequus

    Airtimes First Drop Fun Vibrations Débit Fiabilité

    Getting on this thing will take an eternity because it seems to be the most popular attraction with the general public, but also because the trains are very small and operations are slow. Don't trust the queue times on the app!!! It's also down a lot of the time. But once you do get to go on it, it's super fun and enjoyable, and while it does rattle a bit, I didn't find it too distracting. The first drop is steeper than it looks off ride.

  • Aequus

    Théma Inconfort Sans intérêt

    The coaster is just as rough and rattly as it sounds and looks, but it was totally survivable. The theming is very nice, I enjoyed the school queue and the gardens that the track wrapped around