• Flynn C.

    Situation Longueur Intensité

    I can only describe Vampire as dated and strange. It was not uncomfortable or rough for me, but it just did not do very much which I do think is a tell of it's age (and the fact arrow coasters seem to be like that). The most fun thing is the swinging through the trees and buildings feeling, but not really any intensity whatsoever. I do like the old school theming and it is a charming ride, but whether it can last much longer we'll see.

  • Flynn C.

    Launch Hangtime Inconfort Layout

    I have a bone to pick with Mandrill and that is why did you choose looks over feeling. It's quite bouncy, so the backwards portion in particular can feel nauseating and the helix is useless. However, I like the inversion with it's hangtime and the launches are quite punchy so that saves the ride. It fits the park well, but I feel like they could have gone for a better layout for experience.

  • Flynn C.


    If I were to pick a ride that I would say is the most FUN this would be in my top 3. An unbalanced car on this is so stupid, giggle inducing and wickedly unpredictable and intense for it's stature. It is a lot milder when riding balanced, but still shockingly intense. The drops are great but the real highlight is spinning like a mad man (and I hate spinning normally). It is a little unreliable it seems, and capacity is pretty stinky but who cares - go off peak and go make yourself giggle.

  • Flynn C.

    Airtimes First Drop Hangtime Fiabilité

    There's no doubt about it, we have a world class ride in the UK. Yes it is on the shorter side, which I am personally okay with just because of how intense the ride feels. That first drop is pure magic, free floating then diving down. The outerbank is an insane feeling, so bizarre and just fantastic. And for me, someone who adores hangtime, this was made for me. The theming is not the best, and I hope they can fix up the landscaping which would help big time. The splashdown trim is a bit aggressive but necessary, and I also have no ill feelings towards that. Now, the 'rattle' is there on some trains (and only on some of the central cars) but it isn't painful or bad, it's just there - hopefully gets fixed over closed season (along with a myriad of reliability issues). And as expected, Mack's restraints are very comfortable. I love this ride, and whilst not perfect - it's the closest we have to it on our island and certainly my top. Can't wait to get a back row ride next season!

  • Flynn C.

    Launch Ejectors Trop court

    Trains are not great and could use updating, but that launch is killer, and on the back you can get some real whip over the top hat. My big flaw with stealth is that because it's so short the breakrun right after the airtime hill is harsh, crotch and ribs straight into the harness everytime.

  • Flynn C.

    First Drop Théma Confort Trop court

    My underrated baby. My top theming at thorpe, ultra comfortable restraints and nice bit of intensity through all the elements. utterly re-rerideable, just wish it was 50% longer.

  • Flynn C.

    Inversions Layout Baffes

    Sadly, compared to my rides on this last year - this boy is progressively getting rougher. The headbangs on this are starting to rival colossus - and I feel alone in this finding. Think this is partially due to the restraints being a poor fit for me too. More comfortable on inside seats and has a very strong first half which deadens in the latter half. It is, obviously, no match for Reborn. Theming is okay, but needs some touching up really.

  • Flynn C.

    Airtimes First Drop Théma Baffes

    I adore this ride, and on the 2nd row (and inner seats preferably) there is no pain and is pretty smooth for a Euro-Fighter. However, a bad seat can be very rough. Either way, the theming is elite and that first blind drop into the roll is just fantastic. The airtime you get throughout is some of the best. If only it were more consistent!

  • Flynn C.

    Inversions Layout Harnais Inconfort

    Trains are so unbelievably cramped, I'm only 5'5 and I feel like a sardine. Restraints are also very uncomfortable and combined with the rattle on this coaster it quite unpleasant. Now Sik exists it just makes me look at this with sadness when I go to ride. The layout is great however, just needs work and maybe a retheme (cause at the moment it is a bit lazy and old).

  • Flynn C.

    Théma Temps mort

    Great theming and probably even better when scare actors are there. And I do enjoy the mid track gimmick - however the indoor ride is not strong and the theming in this portion is a bit naff. I would like to see them keep the set up but maybe get a custom ride in, maybe a tracked dark ride instead even. Even just improving the theming around the track with some scares and effects would help horrendously.