• Coaster Nut

    Vitesse Fun Longueur Vibrations

    Easily my favorite floorless. My first ride was in the front, which gives a great sensation of speed. You also get a smooth ride with some unique pops of air and good intensity on the inversions. My next rides were in the middle and back, and there was a moderate rattle that took away some of the fun. Ride in the front -- it's worth the wait.

  • Nathan F

    Situation Vibrations

    Giant Dipper is a classic wooden coaster, and it's just okay. A little on the rough side.

  • Hunter M.

    Inversions Intensité Vibrations Baffes Harnais

    The only coaster to ever make me nauseous.

  • Hunter M.

    Airtimes Intensité Ejectors Vibrations Trop court Harnais

    A great ride at a smaller, less fortunate park, unfortunately it has a slight rattle as a product of its age but has some of the most powerful ejector I have ever experienced, both forwards and backwards with a bit of positives mixed in with the loop. Overall a 7/10 ride that's an absolute classic.

  • Hunter M.


    nothing inherently bad about it, it's just a kiddie coaster with trains designed for children

  • Troy M.

    Inversions Fun Fluidité Baffes

    Fun ride, fairly smooth, lacks some intensity and also has a little head banging on the final corkscrews

  • Robert A.

    Launch Fun Trop court Débit

    Am I overranking this a bit? Probably, but this ride is just such a vibe. The music in the station fits the ride well, and the ops have great taste in music too. Others find big flaws in the restraint system, and this may be a uniqueness bias that I have, but I also had great fun with these restraints. The theming does leave a bit to be desired outside of the trains & station, and the ride is a bit short, but it's still enjoyable. I also wish it was able to operate more than one train

  • Robert A.

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Inconfort Temps mort Intensité

    The second half absolutely carries the coaster. The first half is trimmed to death absolutely everywhere and it feels more like you're waiting for the second half. I understand it's a family coaster but the first half could at least have something to it considering how good the second half is. The trim on the first drop hit so hard I actually felt a bit queasy on it, that was pretty uncomfortable. Just give me the indoor bit please.

  • Robert A.

    Fun Théma Débit

    After seeing the effort put into Clone Zone it was disappointing seeing the outdoor area of the park so empty. They definitely could've done something. Otherwise, decently fun zyklon layout.

  • Robert A.

    First Drop Théma Débit

    While people say that Oblivion is "too short" I would instead argue that the ride's length is perfectly fine for what it is. The theming does a good job anticipating "the big drop" which is what the entire ride is based around. Anything other than the drop would simply just feel out of place. It's a great adrenaline rush that never gets much of a queue, making it highly rerideable. I love how the ride doesn't pull out from the first drop until it's underground, so spectators from offride don't see that bit. Big fan of that. I don't think a ride like this will ever be built again, and that's quite sad actually. Quick but sweet rides with bigass tunnels that probably took up the majority of the budget, you simply don't get them any more.