• Bryn R.

    Théma Fun Débit Sans intérêt

    Theming is pretty good, and it is quite enjoyable, but I would never EVER wait >15 minutes for this. If you want an indoor dark-themed coaster that is much better, Verbolten is across the midway.

  • Bryn R.

    First Drop Intensité Ejectors

    Airtime generating machine. Enough said.

  • SNake N.

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Fun Vibrations Intensité

    I rode this very nicely themed coaster a couple of times in my most recent (and first, but hopefully not last) visit and I was suprised. Although Mammut lacks in intensity and it features, depending on where you sit, a stronger or weaker rattle, I fairly enjoyed this coaster. The layout itself isn't bad and you get some weak floater when it has warmed up. And the theming is incredible, the the preshow reminded me of Blue Fire, but this coaster was here first. It's a family coaster, but definetly #3 in the park.

  • Paweł Z.

    Vibrations Inconfort Layout

    The jolt on the bottom of the first drop was hideous. Layout is uninspiring to say the least. The whole ride is shaky and uncomfortable. This coaster is a perfect candidate for RMC treatment.

  • Paweł Z.

    Théma Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors

    Amazing ejectors, great theming, fantastic mix of elements.

  • Lucy

    Situation Fun Longueur Baffes

    This was my first ever SLC and the reviews made me worried but honestly it was nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be. Some headbanging but not actually painful, I enjoyed it.

  • Vt2

    Inversions Intensité Baffes Harnais

    In need of a reride. Only part that was SUPER rough was the inline twist near the end, the rest wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Came off the ride headache-free

  • Vt2

    Intensité Baffes Harnais

    They don't call the junior SLCs "hang & bangs" for nothing. My last ride on Silver Streak had some headbanging that sorta ruined it for me. Besides that though, the coaster swooping past supports and trees, as well as above track and the roof of the station made for some intense near-miss-esque moments that made me tuck my feet in a few times.

  • Vt2

    Vibrations Inconfort A raser !

    Rerode this at the beginning of the 2024 season, and had a much more bearable experience on it. I suggest standing on the second highest step and leaning your head into the direction that the train is turning. Came off without any pain, but I personally still think this is one of the worst coasters in the park, and would even recommend NOT riding this. I will probably only reride once after Wonderland announces Time Warp's removal...

  • Aron S.

    Situation Fun Vibrations Débit

    While this is a very fun ride, I cannot say that you should go out of your way to ride this. The que line was absolutely awful. It was totally unmanaged and you could see kids coming off the coaster and entering the line from the side where their friends were standing and no one did anything about it. I think over 50 people enterered the line in front of me. Not only that but the personnel did a terrible job at seating the riders. You get designated a seat: First person in line get the first row. But he is then sent to the locker furthest in the back. And they wait until everyone from the previous car has completely gotten all their belongings and left the exit. Doesn't this completely lose the whole point of running two trains? There are several minutes going by as two empty trains are standing at the station. I tried to help them out by letting the guy from row 2 ride in front with me. Did they get the point to let two more riders jump on? Of course not! They left row 2 stay completely empty with a line that took over 3 hours to get through! Horrific!