• Vt2

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Débit Fiabilité

    Fun from what I remember. Haven't been on it since 2019 though, so it could use a reride. I won't spoil the surprise for those who haven't ridden Wonder Mountain's Guardian yet, but I'll just say that it scared the living crap out of me!

  • Ari Daje

    First Drop Trop court

    The pros and cons of this ride speak for themselves. Way too short but awesome drop.

  • Carrie C.

    Théma Launch Intensité

    The launch is everything

  • Alexandre CF

    Inversions Fun Fluidité Trop court

    Un énième Floorless B&M au layout plus insipide tu meurs… Heureusement sa fluidité est parfaite (du moins au premier rang) mais on est bien loin d’un Superman ADA ou d’un Kraken.

  • eamon marsden

    Longueur Sans intérêt Layout Intensité

    Rode this on March 27th, and it must have just come out of a retract as the ride was running quite smoothly. There were some jolts and jerks, but the ride was running a lot better than I thought it would, and really wasn’t uncomfortable. The ride is really pointless though, it really doesn’t do a lot, I think there’s like one moment of weak floater airtime and that’s it. At least for now, the ride is decent and not really rough; but this ride would still be better off getting the RMC treatment.

  • eamon marsden

    Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Ejectors Fiabilité

    What a beast of a ride. The first launch is shockingly forceful, and the next inversion gives tons of hang time. The top hat is definitely one of the highlights of the ride, giving amazing airtime, before the holding break holds the train building up excitement before that drop. The beyond vertical drop is crazy and gives awesome airtime, and the airtime hill that follows has some of the strongest airtime out there. The ride is super smooth and comfortable, with the new Intamin trains. The stall provides crazy hang time, and the whole spike as the breaks is a really cool feature and makes the ride unique. The queue is set up differently and the preshow and effects are all very awesome. This ride is an absolute masterpiece, and one of the best rides in the world. Only problem is that sometimes it can have breakdowns or mechanical issues, but they are usually resolved quickly.

  • eamon marsden

    Fun Inconfort

    In my opinion, its not that bad as many people say it is. Rode it multiple times, still a fun ride. Maybey I have a higher tolerance for rough rides, but this one didn't bother me at all. Clearly thats not a common opinion.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Vitesse Longueur Vibrations Débit Layout

    Exceeded my expectations. It's a fun ride with a good sensation of speed. Back delivered some nice airtime, especially at the end. Airtime in the front was not as good. The layout could certainly be more creative as too much of the ride is spent in helixes. There was a slight rattle at certain points, but nothing horrible. There was crummy capacity with only one train running.

  • Luke Pilsbury

    Inversions Ejectors Hangtime Baffes Théma Débit

    The Smiler is an incredible ride. It has an incredible ejector moment that can be quite surprising the first time you ride it. The main issue that I have with this ride is the head banging, particularly on the cobra roll and the corkscrew after it. It’s relatively low capacity for Alton towers and tomato of the theming has been removed, which is disappointing.

  • Luke Pilsbury

    Théma Débit Intensité Trop court

    An insane B&M invert with some incredible whip to it! Also, it is one of the best themed coasters in the UK. The Zero-G Roll is the most intense inversion that I’ve ever experienced and it comes after a crazy helix. It is quite short but packs a huge punch.